Warthog Launch — I broke away from this time killer at level 15.

  1. Joel Housman says:

    lvl 18 here. 11 minutes of my life wasted 🙂

    Thanks John

  2. LuĂ­s Camacho says:

    Level 30… I don’t have a life.

  3. Tony says:

    Got to level 41 and got stuck. After level 40 click the launch button to get to the bonus levels, not sure how many after 40.

  4. UnlivedPhalanx says:

    Glad to see people are finally seeing this, I was playing with this last year.

  5. scott says:

    old but fun none the less, at 22 right now

  6. Dark Spartan says:

    The world’s biggest Halo time waster put to Flash. The best part is you don’t spend 45 minutes collecting grenades!

  7. Pat says:

    I got to level 15. My wife told me to either quit or turn down the speakers.

    Ah, well, bed time

  8. Tom says:

    Keith does a great job with the news, and Bill O’reilly, makes the news with his assholism’s all the time, its about time somone really gave him a taste of his own medicine.

  9. Andrew says:

    i cant get past 12

  10. Ham says:

    w00t w00t—- level 37 then had baseball practice

  11. Spider-Man says:

    My current high score:
    Levels finished:
    Grenades used:
    Launches made:
    Warthog bounces:
    Engineers popped:
    Time Wasted:


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