Movie — My all-time favorite sports video clip and the origin of the nonsense remark said now and again by sportscasters, “The band is on the field.” This event, now legendary, is still known locally as “The play.”

Here’s the transcript of the game’s ending. A great gift for Stanford alums who after 24 years are still irritated by this game.

Scan of Hoax newspaper printed the next day by poor sports from Stanford

Thanks to Bill Reising.

  1. Chris says:

    Hehe – here in Australia we have had similar situations, but never in a Grand Final or Major Play-Off. Many years ago in games of cricket, it was not uncommon when Australia was playing say England for a spectator (usually a kid) to “jump the fence” and field the ball before it hit the boundary fence. This would prevent a “Four” from being scored and added to the run tally.

    Also on the odd occassion a spectator would lean over the boundary fence and prevent a fielder from catching a ball (similar to baseball) and preventing the batter getting out.

  2. Chris Gregg says:

    You know, I actually like the Sony “lo-def” version better!


  3. 0x1d3 says:

    I dont get why the band was on the field. DId that play really get overuled?

  4. Thomas says:

    Overruled?! On the contrary, the play stood and Cal won the game.


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