Sign outside entrance to Butler County Jail

Following through on a statement he made at last week’s News Conference, Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones mailed a bill to the Federal Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) for prisoners believed to be “Undocumented Aliens” currently housed in the Butler County Jail.

I saw this dude — an avowed Bush Republikan — on TV, this morning. Ohio doesn’t share a common border with Mexico. So, he asks:

“Why should Butler County taxpayers have to pay for jail costs associated with people we don’t believe should ever have been in this country, let alone this state, or county, to begin with?” asks Sheriff Jones. “These prisoners appear to be undocumented. They are in my jail because they have committed crimes here. It’s time the Federal Government should at least pay for the criminals they let stay here. If they don’t want to pay for them, then they can deport them,” he added.

Sheriff Jones is obviously one of those old-fashioned cops who believes that if a law in on the books it should be enforced. He was caught speeding [in his personal car] by one of his deputies and insisted she give him a ticket.

  1. david says:

    “Look at meeee!”

    What a dodo brain.

  2. James Hill says:

    Sheriff Jones is obviously one of those old-fashioned cops who believes that if a law in on the books it should be enforced.

    And anyone who thinks laws shouldn’t be enforced needs to leave the country.

    What to change a law? Great! Go for it. Even if that means civil disobedience, I’m fine with that. But to say that laws are subject to interpertation by anyone other than judges is a dangerous stance, and directly against the rule of law this nation stands on.

  3. Pat says:

    Sheriff Jones sounds like a publicity hound. Why make a big to do about getting a speeding ticket. He shouldn’t have been speeding in the first place!

    If you have to tell people you are doing a good job, the probability is you’re not.

  4. RTaylor says:

    These guys are always drumming up local support. I’ve dealt with three of them over the years, and they were all self promoters first, law enforcement second. When a crime was committed they wouldn’t show up until they knew a camera was there.

  5. I live in Butler County says:

    Sheriff Jones has been taking a hard stance against the criminals in our county for years. He cant stand people that brake the rules and this is just an extension of that philosophy. People around her love Sheriff Jones. Our problem is that we have so many people not paying taxes and demanding services that our local governments are going bankrupt.


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