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The online greeting card industry is starting to make some noise again. Just ask the screaming banshee.

That character, known to millions of people through an animated Halloween e-card from Hallmark.com, is back, this time in a Valentine’s Day revival of her hair-raising neuroses.

The character’s return helps punctuate the quiet resurgence of the e-card category, which was an icon of the dot-com boom and a quick – and for some, deserving – victim of the bust.

As enjoyable as ever.

  1. david says:

    Women’s minds are fried. There thinking has been so fucked up by the media it is not funny. If they are not worried about their weight then they’re worried about what others think, and then they worry about the other girl being more beautiful, or if that guy they gave their phone number is going to call them (and when he does, she is worried about taking the call because she doesn’t know what to say or that she might be breaking one of the “rules”)… etc. etc. e-fucking-tc…

    Oh, and talking about Valentine’s Day. All those lonely women out there wondering how they are going to make it through it again.

    I like what John Updike says about women’s brains being like a bee trapped inside an empty glass jar. Though I would up it to a swarm of bees.

  2. Greg says:

    David, go back to getting drunk and jacking off, you give real men a bad name.


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