People who have sex with animals should face a felony conviction for animal cruelty, says a Republican senator pushing for a ban on bestiality.

Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, is sponsoring the bill, which was prompted by a widely publicized Washington state case in which a man died of injuries suffered while having sex with a horse.

“Our laws are lacking in this area,” Roach said. “People are coming from out of state to do this here. We don’t need to have a mecca here for abusing animals.”

The issue made headlines in July, when a Seattle man died after suffering a perforated colon while having sex with a horse at a farm in rural King County.

Hey, lady, people ARE NOT flocking to Washington State to have sex with animals. Geez!

  1. Nate says:

    They have been trying to pass similar legislation in Utah. The current law doesn’t specifically outlaw farm animal interaction. A bill was defeated last year that would have outlawed sex with farm animals, due to strong opposition from the rural electorate. I believe that there was a quote that went something like “you city folk don’t know the stresses that we rural folk endure.”

  2. david says:

    Generalizations fool our minds. We think because there are a few cases of beastiality then the problem is rampant. This, like abortion, is an issue where people are looking for absolute perfection. That is not possible because of the vast numbers. There are 6 billion people on Earth. If even 1 million people were sexually involved with lower-consciousness animals (and, remember, we ARE animals– though we have transcended animal mind for the most part) the percentage would be 1,000,000/5,000,000,000 x 100 = 0.02%. That is 2/100ths of a percentage. Is that a lot? Same goes with abortion. How many ejaculations are there? Let’s say, roughly, that half the world’s population is male. That would be about 3 billion males. Then assume about 1/3 of them are sexually releasing themselves (via sex, masturbation and wet dreams) on average once a day which is 365 times a year. Let’s add a few more times a year to take into consideration long weekends and teenagers who may be averaging 3-5 times a day. Okay, 500 releases per year per 1 billion men. That is HALF A TRILLION ejaculations a year (not counting that stud, Dvorak, btw). According to the National Right to Life organization there have been 50,000,000 abortions since Roe v. Wade in 1973. This is 2006 so that covers 33 years. 500,000,000,000 ejaculations per year x 33 years = 16,500,000,000,000 ejaculations since Roe v. Wade. Percentage wise that is 50 million abortions/16,500,000 million ejaculations x 100%= 0.000303%!

    If you want to live in a perfect world then cut off your balls. We are mostly shooting blanks anyway.

  3. David, the problem with your logic, is not every ejaculations result in sperm meeting egg, in fact in most of your examples (2/3rds) the chance is not possible. Maybe you should look at the number of babies conceived vs. how many are murdered by abortion.

  4. david says:

    Michael, I believe life starts at ejaculation. That one points their penis inside a vagina or in the air is irrelevant. Every time you ejaculate without the intent to create life, then you are committing abortion in the eyes of God.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    *ahem* ppl ppl, we are talking about ppl doin’ it with animals not abortion, besides; the last time I saw a dog riding a man/woman I don’t think the dog was unhappy about it >:)

    “Hey, lady, people ARE NOT flocking to Washington State to have sex with animals. Geez!”

    Then what are lobbyists doing?

  6. garym says:

    David, that’s an interesting belief.

    So, by that token, any man who masturbatess committing an abortion. What about when women masterbate? They do not lose the unfertilized egg, so I guess that’s okay. What about when they go through their menstrual cycle? If the egg is unfertilized, it is disposed of without creating life. I guess that would be the equavilent of an abortion.

    Never mind, this is just too bizzare. What ever you’re smoking, either pass the pipe or give it up.

  7. Sean Chitwood says:

    Since this is a local story for me, it turns out that beastiality is not illegal in the state of Washington. When it has occured and been prosecuted it has been done under animal cruelty statutes (Injury of an animal is a misdeamenor and death of the animal is a felony).

    Well, evidently there were some people who allowed people to have sex with thier animals in rural western Washington and one gentleman died from a ruptured colon after having sex with a horse. The horse was uninjured, so under current statutes, there was no crime.

    Now I get a ringside seat to more idiocy as the legislature tries to outlaw this bizarre occurance.

  8. garym, I think that david is a troll, I think he is trying to make fun of Christians by pretending to be one, and put out stupid statements. No Christian group I know of says that masturbation is murder, there are those that believe it is wrong, but none have said it is murder.

  9. david says:

    garym, that’ right. Every man that masturbates commits abortion. The problem here is that you equate abortion with wrongness. A woman’s period is NATURAL. Masturbation is UNnatural. Do you see lions masturbating? Elephants? You see house cats and dogs humping because we’ve imprisoned them in an unnatural environment. YOU, garym, masturbate, and YOU too (you know who I talking about) therefore you commit abortion. YOU ARE PREVENTING LIFE by cumming into a tissue. Abortion is preventing life but you do it everyday when you flush your tissued cum down the toilet. That sexual urge you feel is God’s calling to MATE with a WOMAN. BUT YOU GO AGAINST GOD and MATE WITH A KLEENEX. That is how low man has gotten. Forget about having sex with horses. You are below that because you have sex into the wind.

    Michael, I’m not making fun of Christians. I am telling Christians that they should stop crucifying Jesus. You condemned Jesus once, 2000 years ago, but you do it today every second of the day by condemning your neighbor for his beliefs and non-belief in a fairy-tale God. Your #10 comment ends with you searching for answers outside of yourself. All the answers, including God, is in you but you DO NOT WORSHIP GOD.


    The Devil has made you believe you in God. GOD IS DEVIL IN DISGUISE.

    You want to know the real God? YOU CANNOT KNOW GOD. If you think you know God, you are only knowing DEVIL.

    Throw away your stupid God. He is Devil.

    REAL God cannot be known. BUT REAL GOD CAN BE EXPERIENCED.

  10. Robert Nichols says:

    I think the horse asked for it. It wasn’t even wearing any clothes for christs sake.

  11. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Hey david?

    MOST animals masturbate. Ever see a dog hump someone’s leg?

    You know the old joke – Why does a dog lick his nuts? Because he can’t make a fist with his paw.

  12. James Hill says:

    Have you seen the women in Washington state?

  13. Sounds The Alarm, my side that was bad, I loved it, I am bad. ROTFL. That is the kind of joke you can not tell at the office

  14. Johnny says:

    I Think what davids trying to say is

    “Your not christiaaaaaaaaaaans!”

    “Everythings Ungodly!”

    “Gargoyles!, Sorceres!”

    Dvoraks Ungodly!”

  15. rus62 says:

    —“You know the old joke – Why does a dog lick his nuts? Because he can’t make a fist with his paw.”

    I always heard the answer was because he can.

  16. Pat says:


    You have completely turned this from bestiality to jerking off. Man, your math doesn’t add up because it is not only too hypothetical, but based solely upon your life experiences. HINT: The rest of us don’t masturbate once a day, that is why we got married or have girlfriends.

    Abortion is not murder. Ejaculating is not abortion. Orgasm without coitus is not abortion. Coitus without conception is not abortion, or murder, or wrong. Anyone that tries to tell you otherwise is only trying to convert you to their religion.

    Sex with animals is not right. Sex with an animal that perforates your colon is definitely wrong. Does Washington need a law to prevent that? No, let Darwin’s theory of natural selection work it self out.

  17. Brent Wagner says:

    Hey, Sounds the Alarm, I always thought they licked their nuts because they could and licked their penis’ because they couldn’t make a fist.

    Everything I know about sex I learned from dogs in the neighbourhood and rule #1 is: No matter how much the girl kicks and screams don’t let go of her leg.

  18. Dennis Wright says:

    sounds like a cock and bull story


  19. garym says:

    No, its a cock and horse story.

  20. meetsy says:

    uhhh, but the WA state thing…I thought the man died, not the horse. The horse is just fine. So how is this cruelty to animals?
    Next….how’d the thread go from beastiality = masturbation? Me thinks David has some explaining to do if these are the same thing in his mind. I mean, what is it? A BAMBI fixation? You know, long legs, big eyes, a little gawky…….hello…Bambi was a BOY!!! So, the thread should be: beastiality=masturbation=homosexuality.
    Please, tell us David…

  21. richard says:

    if god intended us 2 have sex with animals then it would be so but he never i think it is sick if that is what gets u off & u should b locked up that is what i think so no-one can say anything 2 that it is what i think ok


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