Schools in West Virginia are turning to a computer game to help fight obesity among students. Following a pilot project the video game Dance Dance Revolution will soon be installed in all the state’s public schools. The game involves a player moving their feet on a special mat to copy dance steps shown on screen.

Pupils aged 10-14 that do not like other sports will be able to take the game as an option for getting exercise.

Get ’em off their butts and exercising! Even if it takes an XBox.

  1. RTaylor says:

    How times have changed. In school we ran laps around the gym with the teacher/coach sitting in the middle of the gym with a basket of under inflated footballs. If he thought you where slacking he would start throwing the footballs at you. It would hurt if you got hit. I don’t ever remember anyone complaining. For reference this was the 60’s

  2. SignOfZeta says:

    DDR will kick anyone’s ass into shape…but like anything else the kids have to care about it to really get the most of it.

  3. Awake says:

    If you are the kind of guy that hates sports and would rather spend time in the computer lab, and everyone already picks on you, and girls laugh at you, and you are stil a virgin… can you imagine what it would be like for you in school after you pick the ‘Dancing Video Game’ as your school sport? Do they issue you Richard Simmons official workout uniforms?


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