Deer Disease Concerns — Now everyone is freaked out about deer meat. In fact this disease has been known about for decades.

The infectious prion protein that causes chronic wasting disease in deer and elk has spread across the country, and last year was identified in upstate New York. The scientists say that the finding should be a wake-up call to humans consuming or handling venison.

Chronic wasting is not unlike another infectious prion disease that crossed from cows into humans from contaminated beef. Mad cow or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE, triggered a lethal disease called variant-Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, which has killed 170 people in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

The New York Times covered this story and I found this comment interesting:

Study Finds Wider Tainting of Deer Body From a Disease – New York Times
Meanwhile, epidemiologists have been looking for signs of brain wasting disease among deer and elk hunters, Dr. Bosque said. Hunters occasionally develop a human prion disease, called sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but not in abnormally high numbers. And even if people did contract chronic wasting disease from eating infected animal meat, it is not clear what the disease would look like, he said.

Oh really? Not know what it looks like? How about this?

  1. Eideard says:

    Now, we’ll probably get on the NRA daily hit list. They think Ted Nugent is 2nd only to George W. in their religious hierarchy.

  2. RTaylor says:

    I no longer worry about dying, I’m pretty sure it will happen now. I’m still a tad anxious over the timing and means.

  3. estacado says:

    Is it me, or does that pic of Ted looks like John from 20 years ago. 🙂

  4. SignOfZeta says:

    If you haven’t visited Nugent’s forum, or web log, or whatever it is, and you are interested in reading some of the most innane shit ever ejected by a human then you need to check it out.

  5. david says:

    As for Ted Nugent, at least he claims to eat his quarry. I find this to be a good balance between hunting and morality.

    However, I still find objectional the pictures of him smiling with his killed “prizes”. That is ego. He should give thanks to God for having the gift provided to feed his family. Pride ruins everything.

  6. KQ says:

    In England, it has been suspected that Bovine spongiform got started by the simulaneous use of high manganese feeds and a strong synthetic organophosphate. read all about it:::


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