– January 24, 2006:

The video game industry’s 2006 E3Expo trade show in Los Angeles is getting a makeover–banned are the swarms of sexy, semi-clad “booth babes” that in years past took the unveiling of new games and technology to titillating new levels.

The video game industry has come under fire from federal and local politicians, who want to limit sales of violent and sexually explicit games to minors.

What’s next? No cheerleaders at sporting events?

  1. UnlivedPhalanx says:

    I think it is needed. Booth Babes are fun but they are not needed and attract too many outsiders to come and try to get pictures, which then in turn congests traffic inside of E3 even further with Wal-Mart employees trying to get pictures taken.

    Not to mention they have no place at a gaming convention.

  2. RTaylor says:

    Since when was it a problem finding scantily clad women in LA? Granted they might not let you put you arm around them and have a picture taken. Some will, but it will cost more than a video game.

  3. nick says:

    “………….. Mary Dolaher, E3Expo show director, said in an e-mail.

    She did not comment on the reasons for the change. ”

    Thanks for nothing Mary!

  4. Thomas says:

    Is it not the case that the target audience for most games is males from 16-35? Would that not make the case that booth babes (or booth bimbos as we used to call them) are merely to draw more interest from their target audience?

  5. nick says:

    Welcome to the 21st PC century.
    Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) wants to “clean up” (CENSOR!) cable television, satellite radio and the Internet.
    Is it any surprise that booth babes are going bye-bye.

    Does Ted Stevens name sound familiar? He is the dude that threw a hissy fit when it was suggested that he give back the funds (500 million dollars) for his bridge to nowhere after Hurricane Katrina & Rita.

  6. site admin says:

    This is an example of sexism…this Mary person simply does not like women and wants to keep them from working.

  7. SignOfZeta says:

    I liked this article better:

  8. nick says:

    Are you suggesting that our society would rather tolerate the mutilation or chopping off a breast over the caressing, stroking and cuddling of a mammary and its owner?

    I say give the booth babes assault rifles! Head-shots for everyone!

  9. Milo says:

    Now you’ll have to look at the video games themselves to see them… good thing this industry is no longer sexist!

  10. Andrew says:

    Damnit why cant they go after the gun and porn makers and distributers instead of my Grand Theft Auto and Booth Babes.

  11. Neodiablo22 says:

    Death of boothbabes and the rise of boothstuds. Can’t say I am happy about this decision.

  12. ranbeckley says:

    Who determines what a “booth babe” is? And who determines what “scantilly clad” is?

    Surely there will still be eye candy in the guise of employees to garner your attentions. Even at lowly computer expos in Ohio some exhibitors bring along “employees” that are more interesting than their wares.

    Some rules are made to be circumvented.

  13. david says:

    Men are the victims here– not women. That sex drives men is no secret. People who exploit men’s weaknesses deserve the trouble they get themselves into. If a woman dressed as in the above picture walks around sexually deprived men and subsequently gets raped then she is the provoker. Women today want to tease and provoke but when a man acts on it then she cries out “rape”. Women today are having their cake and eating it too.

    I think sex should stop being sold entirely. It works because men– the masses– are not getting the satisfying sex they so desire. If you had your fill (and grant it, a lot of it to feel satisfied) would you seek more if you couldn’t even get your “tool” ready. This is the correct way of castration. Today, the world has castrated men the other way. Men are afraid of women. So men masturbate. And masturbate. And masturbate. Even masturbating with their girlfriends and wives by thinking about other women while having sex.Society has created a split between the sexes when it should be created a unity. Women are AFRAID. They are fucking scared to fuck. They worry about being labeled as sluts. They are afraid of diseases. They are afraid of being “used”, being “hurt”. Afraid of the guy not calling them again. They are afraid that they are ugly, that their bodies are not perfect enough. They are afraid that men won’t like their arms, their small boobs, their tummy, their thick thighs. Afraid that they are not smart enough. Women are AFRAID.

    Women who walk around showing off their bodies are women with low self-esteem. Afraid that their intellect and their soul are not beautiful enough to attract men.

  14. hvacmach says:

    “What’s next? No cheerleaders at sporting events?”

    When is the last time you watched a game on TV? The last year or so the cheerleaders have disappeared! We continually get things taken away from us and say or do nothing. Now drooling at babes is gone, what’s next morality police?

  15. Pat says:

    Whoa there, david

    Your last post is really something weird, man.

    You might want to seek some professional help, for your wife’s sake.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    So a game like Ethinc Cleansing is Okay but chicks in tight clothing is a nono?
    Honestly, I’d prefer to let a kid watch a Jenna Jameson Movie than to play a game like Doom

  17. *sigh* …it’s the end of an era. Feels like when they stopped doing COMDEX. Another high-tech tradition gone. LOL

  18. Scott says:

    Wow. Two words: David. Freak.

    If this guy doesn’t wind up a convicted rapist in the next 10 years, then I’m no judge of human character. I’d be checking his basement right now if I were the local authorities.

  19. Chris says:

    I honestly have to wonder how much pro-booth babe comments we’d see from John, and anyone else here, if the booth babes were also MALE. A couple of hot guys some outfit to show their body, people would never shut up about how awful it is, but somehow its ok to treat females this way… give me a break.


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