The US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of a convict who was already strapped to a table with intravenous tubes in his arms when a high court justice stayed his execution.

Lawyers for Clarence Hill, who was condemned to death for the 1982 murder of a policeman, made a last-gasp appeal saying that the chemicals used in lethal injections in Florida were inhumane and against the US Constitution.

Hill, 47, was about an hour from receiving a deadly injection of sodium pentothal, an anaesthetic, pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride.

Witnesses had gathered for the execution at the Florida State Prison and Hill had already been attached to intravenous tubes to receive the cocktail, his lawyers said.

No comment. Well — no, let’s leave it at that.

  1. Pat says:

    Fat chance with the appeal. If there is no “humane” method of execution, then this could quite possibly be the closest to it.

  2. RTaylor says:

    The only humane way would be to put a bullet in the back of the guys head while the judge was reading the sentence. I will admit it limits the appeal process. Keeping people warehoused for 10 years awaiting execution is cruel punishment, and damn expensive.

  3. Steve S says:


    10 years! Here in California it is an average of 23 years! The most common cause of death while on death row in California is old age!

  4. Stan Trevena says:

    Terri Winchell was a classmate and friend. She was brutally murdered by this person, details in this link:

    Now Kenneth Starr has stepped in to try to save this scum bag’s life.

    So is lethal injection more “inhumane” than the attempt to strangle. hammer beating, stabbing, rape and leave to die in a field that he inflicted on Terri as a favor for his cousin?

    25 years later and this nightmare gets worse.

  5. site admin says:

    Stan, I could never figure out why they went from the electric chair to “lethal injection” when the injection seemed more cruel and creepy. Now this situation?


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