Adult diaper sales soar before long trips home — Yuk. The whole notion that people are standing around crapping in their pants throughout China during the holidays is a bit gross. And can you imagine the standing stench? Agh.

Many supermarkets in Foshan, a city in South China’s Guangdong Province, have reported an increase in sales of about 50 per cent.

The products, designed for incontinence, have been repositioned at prominent places on shop shelves since the start of the peak travel season for Spring Festival began on January 14, Guangzhou-based Yangcheng Evening News reported.

The number of train seats for people returning home for family reunions are limited because of the huge demand in the period.

It means large numbers of passengers have to buy standing-only tickets and have to jam into all corners of carriages, even in toilets.

Then what do they do with the diapers afterwards?

found by Chris Coulter

  1. Pat says:

    Couldn’t they just add some more cattle cars? If you’re going to stuff them in like cattle, give them the true treatment. With lots of straw on the floor. Call it Chinese Worst Class.

  2. Alan W says:

    TMI, John! I really could’ve gotten through the rest of my life without knowing this.

  3. RTaylor says:

    A while back it was common in China for parents of pre-toilet trained children to get them to squat in public parks and places. They wouldn’t use knappies, and the grass pavement was full of crap. I think the government has tried to crack down on this for public health issues. Like the saying goes, when you got to go…..

  4. Pat says:


    When ya gotta go, use New Adultoes, the big diaper. Good for up to 25 Kg.

  5. Dones says:

    Boy, those toilet seats on trains must be more popular than the regular seats! I know that’s where I’d try to sit first.

    This article makes me rethink my idea of attending the 2008 Olympics in Beijing…


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