Dial P for porn? It may never be quite that easy. But cell-phone pornography is a fast-growing business that analysts expect will generate about $2 billion in global revenue by 2009.

And porn-on-the-go was the focus of a two-day Mobile Adult Content Congress that wrapped up in Miami on Thursday amid expectations, according to at least some participants, that it will soon catch on in the United States.

Rather than focusing on steamy content or images, such as video footage featuring conference attendee Ron Jeremy — a porn star who has licensed his name to RJ Mobile — industry officials focused here on issues such as content rating and filtering devices or age verification mechanisms, meant to prevent underage consumers from buying adult content.

It was all a bit staid and very business-like, but one speaker, an executive identified as James Walz of West Management, did seem to get worked up as he talked about features like “personalized strip teases” and unbridled U.S. market potential.

Verizon Wireless says they’re certain their customer base won’t want anything like this. But, then, who’s surprised when Verizon gets it wrong?

  1. Michael Reed says:

    I am starting to think that John just likes posting scantily clad women on his blog.

  2. Eideard says:

    I asked John to pick out the graphic for this post. His editorial skills are appreciated.

  3. Miguel says:

    Won’t be much fun in my Nokia 6230’s tiny screen…..

    And yeah, John C lokes to post pretty ladies in here! Way to go John! Can we get them any bigger though?

  4. rus62 says:

    And with the small screens on these phones you will go blind!

  5. garym says:

    Now people will really wonder why I keep my phone on vibrate!

  6. RTaylor says:

    John is probably like me. Five minutes trying to keep up with that girl would earn a ride in a hearse. At least that would be supporting the US auto industry. I’ve never seen a Lexus hearse. 😉

  7. james elric says:

    i like the cellphone porn that you guys give out it fuckin rocks. thanks it dosent leave my hand from my dick at all unless my girl wants to have sex.

    xoxo james


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