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AdCritic Interactive — This is the newest version of the amusing yet creepy pizza delivery “of the future” bit. How far are we away from this? Probably not too far at all.
via the Lohad blog
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AdCritic Interactive — This is the newest version of the amusing yet creepy pizza delivery “of the future” bit. How far are we away from this? Probably not too far at all.
via the Lohad blog
Bad Behavior has blocked 9338 access attempts in the last 7 days.
The gig is about three years old, but it is a classic that’s worth repeating. Sadly, what happens in the clip is actually coming soon to a food joint near you. All hail, wise and powerful government authorities!
I keep getting this link from right wingnuts who tell me that this is how the ACLU wants things, and from left wingnuts (like me) who tell me that this is how things are going to be if the neocons get more power. But hey, if we get an Orwellian government, we can’t complain if we don’t vote.
Voting is fine, except that both Ds and Rs support the Orwellian government philosophy. Ds want the health care system and children/family services to take over, while the Rs want homeland security handle the rest.
Let’s take the opposite tack from this. Create an oversight website. Whenever you buy anything over the web (or from a web enabled cell phone), a pop-up screen appears, showing vital corporate info about the company you’re buying from. The company you’re ordering from recently laid-off 400 employees, the CEO earned more than x% of corporate profit last year, and so on. Wouldn’t this be easier?