Sorry, but this post is so goes back on TOP! editor

Of the above pic, Jesus Christ– a.k.a. “Ted”– has this to say:

[T]his is a Human Female that is completely nude from head to toe and showing everything and this photo was cropped and she is working in and posing in and in Pornography and she LOOKS to be like an Angel of Light and VERY GOOD and VERY NICE and VERY SAVED and like many Christians and is she Saved currently? NO Then who or what is making her LOOK like this? A Demon. Then how many Demons are there like this that POSSESS Christians? MANY There are some Demons like this that have MUCH Power and can COVER and POSSESS about a million Humans at a time and make them LOOK and FEEL and SEEM to be Saved and Forgiven and having NO Spiritual Problems in the slightest. Who is reporting this? Michael the Angel. Then what is mostly Spiritually Controlling her? She is POSSESSED. Is she a Christian? YES

Well at least he and I can agree that she looks VERY GOOD and VERY NICE and VERY SEXY and VERY LOVELY and VERY RAVISHING. But why all the CAPS? I also appreciate his pointing out that she is a “Human Female”; I’m sure we needed some help with that one.

Is this guy putting us on? Is he serious? You be the judge. Read the related links below.

Related Links:
Ted’s Third Testament Oh silly me! This is the same link as above. I just forgot that the newest testament includes girlie pics. :-)
Ted Runs For PresidentDon’t tell me this is “old news.” It’s not: He says that we have to keep voting for him again.. and again.. and again….
Ted Plans To Be Richest Man on EarthRead his enormous wish list here!!
Ted’s Home PageAh yes, and here’s the front door to his website.

related link:
Source of many of Ted’s images is here (caution — nudity). The website owner is complaining about Ted ripping off his images then complaining about the girls.

  1. Robert Flannigan says:

    Craig wrote: “Wouldn’t Jesus Christ know better than to use FrontPage?”

    I hope that if Jesus ever actually comes back in human form, he’s able to master advanced HTML design. Or maybe even style sheets and RSS. Until then, there’s Ted.

  2. Eric says:

    That site doesn’t really work for me. Now, if you propped my eyes open with wires and showed me the images while reading the text to me…that might work. These interweb-based Jesus freaks just aren’t living up to their propganda potential.

  3. Neodiablo22 says:

    Now a day you need to be told who are male an female due to plastic surgery and all. I failed and felt slightly icky when I failed the “Is this a female” tv talk show. Now to look at pictures of nude people that are confirmed females. Wait…..the internet is full of lies…I guess I am going to have to be a sexist and a homophobe for the rest of my life.

  4. Auggie says:

    The guy needs an excuse for surfing the porn sites.

  5. Synclair says:

    I think he seriously believes what he’s posted on this site.
    Just look at the file names in the photos directory:

    I don’t think someone would take a “joke” this far. I’d say he’s psychotic

  6. Synclair says:

    Heh, you can see Ted as a baby and his Highschool graduation picture in the directory too!

  7. ryno says:

    Ted and Sheba Cat
    Ted is THE CREATOR and there are some unpossessed Animals what like to LOVE to LOVE ENORMOUSLY Ted and WANT to LOOK and STARE and be CLOSE to Ted and this for certain is Sheba Cat Ted GAVE to a Tedian Follower.

    WOW, my cat loves me too! Does this mean I am Jesus as well?


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