They never show commercials like this in the US. But you already knew that! After all, it might offend someone. Here ia a new European fav. See if you can guess the punchline.

Now it’s not as if we don’t attempt or do quasi-lewd advertising in the USA, but ours often have the “priceless” or “wish you could get away” humiliation theme. This one is a gem. A perfect example in fact.

  1. Pat says:

    Great commercials.

  2. Shane Ross says:

    The “fart” one is based on a short film. I remember seeing it on iFilm, or IFC…or something. A girl getting ready for a prom trying out several outfits while eating chili in her room. Her date arrives and her stomach starts to gurgle. They head for the card and she looks uncomfortable, and when she sits she…well, you know the rest.

    I wonder if it was the same director?

  3. Hey great commercials. The first one is ridiculous but hilarious. It surely got the point across as well.

  4. Alex says:

    The first one is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

  5. Emery says:

    They try to show stuff like that only during the Super Bowl. Some years that’s been the ONLY reason to watch the Super Bowl.

    US advertisers have a much different view of money filthy lucre than they do in Europe.

  6. Eric says:

    “in the end, the ad has to sell the product”… I’m not any kind of advertising professional like greg in comment 6, but it seems to me that the only thing an ad really is ever hoped to do is to be memorable. If you can remember the commercial, you can remember the product. Granted, the airline bed-suite commercial does that BETTER than the fart/smart CM. But they both leave you chuckling for a while afterward. I try to make sure not to be swayed to buy a product just from watching a commercial about it (though with food sometimes it’s hard) and neither these products have any importance to me personally, but I usually detest commercials, and these two didn’t leave me feeling that way. I wish more commercials could be funny and not beat you over the head with their product. (or on the flip-side, that more commercials were a straightforward presentation of a product’s main features, and not a LAME attempt at humor… but you know what they say about wishes…)

  7. Baze says:

    Too funny


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