A suburban judge has ruled that mooning is a cheeky yet legitimate form of communication — but then, Chaucer and Mel Gibson taught us that long ago.

“He was showing his disapproval. … It was intended to offend, in the sense of being critical,” says lawyer James Maxwell, speaking of his client, Raymond McNealy, 44, of suburban Germantown, Md.

His misbegotten moon could have cost him three years in prison and a $1,000 fine. After an automatic appeal, the verdict was reversed earlier this month.

“If exposure of half of the buttock constituted indecent exposure, any woman wearing a thong at the beach at Ocean City would be guilty,” [Judge] Debelius said.

There’s additional pithy repartee in the body of the story.

Thanks, Pat.

  1. Luís Camacho says:


    Sometimes I wonder if these stories are real. They are just to wierd to happen in the RealWorld™

  2. RTaylor says:

    It figures the root of this was a home owners association squabble. I had rather live in an old Streamline trailer in the middle of Montana than deal with those. Beside the 8 year old girl needed to learn men shows their ass quite frequently.

  3. Harold says:

    What’s next “Refrigerator service technician arrested for loose pants and overloaded toolbelt” “John Kelvinator, a refrigerator service technician from the lower east side was arrested today after a mother complained that Mr. Kelvinator expoed his buttocks to her 8 year old girl as he was cleaning the drip pan under their refrigerator” “Mr Kelvinator was quoteds as saying he had lost a weight recently and he has not had time to purchase smaller uiniform trousers.” if convicted he faces 10 years in prision and a #30,000.00 dollar fine. “

  4. Pat says:

    Freedom of expression.


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