The Payphone Project is a website devoted to the once ubiquitous, now nearly vanished public utility. One interesting item is on the Search page where you’ll find “The old format listings of numbers from the United States, comprising numbers and stories sent in by contributors. The original purpose of this collection was to encourage people to call payphones, and to make random contact with complete strangers. Today, few payphones accept incoming calls. This listing is kept on-line in the hope that it could be useful in matching a payphone number to its location.”

  1. Alex says:

    Please learn how to resize pictures.

  2. mark thomas says:

    ok, since no one got to it i swapped out the picture with a more reasonably sized one. i’ll restore things on my side back to normal if you get a chance to fix this. i’m sure your low-bandwidth visitors are as annoyed by this too, but whatever. i do appreciate the link.

  3. Dave Drews says:

    Oops! Sorry about the photo size. I grabbed the link to the full sized photo instead of the thumbnail. I’m out of town using the hotel’s 3meg line and didn’t notice the speed difference. Even if I did, my laptop died so I couldn’t resize the photo and upload to my webspace since I’m using the hotel’s business center computer which is locked down tighter than… well, probably shouldn’t use that analogy, but you get the picture. A tech geek out of town without his laptop is not a happy camper!

  4. Pat says:


    My condolences about your laptop. Are you back to taking notes with , what did they call that, oh ya, pen and paper? A primitive form of communication, but quite capable.

    BTW, I hate my cell phone. If I didn’t need it for work and my wife wanting to know why I’m not home yet, it would be history. But then, try to find a pay phone when you need one.

  5. rus62 says:


    You have a cell phone the same reasons I have one. Isn’t it funny when you try to call your wife’s cell phone and she doesn’t answer there is a perfect legitimate excuse for it but not the other way around?


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