No body’s perfect, but some
come closer than others.

One of Heidi Klum’s legs is worth less than the other. Klum’s gams are insured for two-point-two (M) million dollars. She knows what you’re thinking and she thinks it’s “crazy,” too. She says her left leg has a “stupid little scar” from when she fell on glass when she was a kid. So that leg is worth only a (M) million dollars, while her right leg is insured for 200-thousand more.

I wonder if insurance on bodies is anything like auto insurance. If the company determines that the leg is “totaled,” do they get to keep it?

Meanwhile, as part of our public service to you, DU is proud to have located work-safe Heidi Klum wallpaper for you: []

  1. Pat says:

    The insurance company would own the leg if it were amputated. If Heidi wanted to keep it, she wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in court.

  2. who cares says:


    (and you guys are slow, i read this on 2 days ago)

  3. RTaylor says:

    It boggles the mind what some of the other parts go for.

  4. Locke says:

    Must be a nice job, inspecting those legs for insurance! XD

  5. Zuke says:

    God bless you for posting that pic of Klum. Better than a cup of coffee in the morning!

  6. That’s just damn strange. How weird to think that a scar would devalue a leg. I mean, they both look pretty damn perfect to me anyway!!

  7. Mike Cannali says:

    I’d like a quote on what’s in between


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