A whale was today seen swimming up the Thames past Westminster.

The creature was identified as a northern bottle-nosed whale, according to Richard Sabin, whales and dolphins expert at the Natural History Museum. It is the first sighting of the species on the Thames since records began in 1913, he said.

The whale was seen as it swam past the Houses of Parliament by boaters and sightseers.

Uh, is the Japanese embassy in London next to the Thames?

  1. Maybe it’s not a whale? Maybe it’s a Greenpeace submarine disguised as a whale!

  2. Jon says:

    Looks like a mutated catfish; maybe the British are doing some nuclear testing under the river…

  3. xman charl says:

    going to be knighted by the queen….

    then chopped up for cat food

  4. hibiscusroto says:

    i almost burst a blood vessel in my brain-pan from laughing at that last comment!

  5. Eideard says:

    Paul — surely your comprehension of cause-and-effect is better than being cantankerous for its own sake. The whale ended up stranded in 2′ shallows. Unsurprising.

    None of the several means available for rescue offered great survival odds. A choice was made. Do you have anything better to offer — than a morbid crowd standing on the shore watching the beast’s slow death?


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