| 01/20/2006 | Sex, stocks and Stanford: ‘Ask Jeeves’ founder wants money back — This is a story too weird and incredible (and confusing) than anything else in Silicon Valley.

If you’re worth more than $20 million, why not give your girlfriend, soon-to-be-wife, more than $61,000 cash just to have around for fun?

This is what David Warthan of Orinda said he did. He’s the co-founder of the search engine Ask Jeeves. His now wife, Cristina Schultz, is a Stanford law school graduate turned high-priced hooker, according to the federal government.

Their friends include Brenda Tess Broussard, who was convicted of prostitution in 2003 and told the police that Schultz instructed her on how to get clients as a hooker on the Internet. Broussard’s former boyfriend is big-time wrestler “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Warthan, 48, says he wants his money back, which was seized by the IRS.

found by Michael Hom

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Schultz’s attorney, said he thinks the federal government is going after Schultz for tax fraud because it’s easier than going after her for prostitution.

    Worked against Capone, didn’t it? 🙂

  2. M.E. says:

    Those who wish to be entertained, run a search on Cristina Schultz name. …

  3. twit colonel says:

    “Cristina Schultz, is a Stanford law school graduate turned high-priced hooker”

    aren’t they the same thing?


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