Mmmmmmmm… tasty

Face Restored, Woman Uses New Lips To Take Up Smoking Again

The world’s first face transplant recipient is using her new lips to take up smoking again, which doctors fear could interfere with her healing and raise the risk of tissue rejection.

Dr Jean-Michel Dubernard, who led the team that performed the pioneering transplant in France on November 27, said: “It is a problem.”

The 38-year-old Frenchwoman received a new nose, chin and lips from a brain-dead donor after being mauled by her dog last spring. The woman had been identified only as Isabelle because of French privacy laws.

Big question: Why would she risk this? Answer: Presumably because she is addicted. Bigger question: If the docs knew she was a smoker and that smoking was such a huge risk factor with this procedure, why was she selected among the many candidates to be the very first?

  1. RTaylor says:

    There was some question to the emotional stability of the patient. Then again I don’t see anyone that had their face chewed off in a dog attack being the picture of mental health. The transplant is probably limited to a few years with rejection issues. Maybe she’s living for the moment.

  2. name says:

    She’s FRENCH! Life Liberty and Fraternity and all that. They love smoking like American heart patients love hoagies, deep fried chicken, burgers, fries and dogs!

  3. tcmoore says:

    I’m sure the timing and availability of victim/patient, donor, and a tissue match are hard enough to reconcile, without taking other risk factors into account.

  4. Kent Goldings says:

    If I got my face ripped-off, I might need a good smoke too.

  5. Phillip says:

    They should take the face back.

  6. Sable says:

    Just as long as she doesn’t smoke around my table when I’m trying to have lunch I don’t care what she does.

  7. PixelMutt says:

    A smoker? Why hasn’t she been executed? Kill the filth spewers now!

  8. blayn. says:

    well, she’s french. don’t you lose your citizenship if you don’t smoke?

  9. James says:

    Aren’t these the same docs who did the hand transplant? The guy decided not to take the anti-rejection meds and had the hand amputated. They sound like cowboy surgeons.

  10. Pat says:

    Smoking is a bad habit. It is also very addictive. People are making a mint with “quit smoking” schemes.

    As a former smoker I can tell you that quiting is easy. I did it a thousand times, including the last, about 4 ½ years ago.

    I’m not trying to defend the woman. I’m only pointing out that to quit is not as easy as many would have us believe.

  11. DAMIEN says:



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