Wall Street Journal – January 18, 2006:

That a student who freely admits to a fondness for night life is also behind in his studies won’t come as a surprise. And it certainly isn’t news that students have been partying their way to bad grades since As and Fs were invented.

But what the computer-programming student who goes by the handle “Lover Of Nightlife” did last month, as the fall semester raced to a close, could only have happened in the age of the Internet: He went online to outsource his predicament.

“This is homework I did not have time to study for,” he said in a message on a Web site devoted to outsourcing computer projects. “I need you guys to help me.”

But if U.S. companies can go online to outsource their programming, why can’t U.S. computer students outsource their homework — which, after all, often involves writing sample programs?

The article suggests that these students won’t fair well in the real work world. I disagree, I think their initiative will make them perfect for upper management. These guys will get promoted while the guys doing their own work will be hired and kept as grunts.

  1. GM says:

    At last – an explanation for the growth of outsourcing.

  2. garym says:

    I am in a Masters program at Webster University. Last semester one of the instructors told us that one of the students in our program wouldn’t be back because he had outsourced the final to one of these websites.
    The person who went online to find some extra income saw the final and after doing a bit of snooping saw the instructor’s name in the metadata as the author and contacted him.
    It turned out that the person looking for the extra work was a professor at some college in California and he didn’t like the ethical lapse the student had.
    Needless to say, the school expelled the student on ethical grounds. I wouldn’t be surprised if more schools add this to their ethics rules.

  3. RT says:

    Yeah… based on our companies, they are solidifying their place in our new “understanding of the global economy.” We’ll pay for someone else to do it since we’re too snooby and lazy to do it ourselves. Hell, I’m outsourcing this message right now.

  4. Miguel says:

    One day there won’t be more money around in America… And it will all be bought by China and India…

  5. Flyer00 says:

    What scares me is large companies like Proctor & Gamble outsourcing their human resources stuff to these foreign countries. With our private information such as our social security numbers, who knows what these guys could do with this?

  6. Mike Cannali says:

    People who examine their function in a corporation, or governement, on ethical grounds become a management problem. Those who follow orders, without questioning the ethical impact are less threatening to their superiors. Those who can also get things done, while giving upper management plausable deniability are the most valuable of all.
    Same thing in the Mafia


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