“Now that’s funny!”

Are Men More Inclined To Delight in Others’ Suffering?

Germans have a word for it — schadenfreude — and when it comes to getting pleasure from someone else’s misfortune, men seem to enjoy it more than women.

Such is the conclusion reached by scientists at University College London in what they say is the first neuroscientific evidence of schadenfreude.

Using brain-imaging techniques, they compared how men and women reacted when watching other people suffer pain.

If the sufferer was someone they liked, areas of the brain linked to empathy and pain were activated in both sexes.

Women had a similar response if they disliked the person experiencing the pain but men showed a surge in the reward areas of the brain.

“The women had a diminished empathic response,” said Dr Klaas Enoo Stephan, a co-author of the report. “But it was still there, whereas in the men it was completely absent,” he added in an interview.

Fascinating. I can’t wait for the promised follow-up studies.

  1. Bill Reising says:

    check out: http://www.fuckfrance.com/

    I laughed my ass off… must be that Schaden thingie…

  2. tim says:

    absolutely…without a doubt…why would i feel empathy for someone i disliked? kill them all!

  3. RTaylor says:

    I showed this to a female yesterday and was told she didn’t need a study to prove men are a**holes. 🙂

  4. James Hill says:

    Now you know why so many people read JCD.

  5. Mike Cannali says:

    The other day, someone who failed to learn to wait in line back in the second grade came rushing down the empty right turn only lane and cut me off crossing two lanes to make a u-turn in front of us all.
    The car just to my left was a State Trooper.
    He took my name and asked me was if I would be willing to appear in court if requested as a witness. She got a handfull of paper and was sitting in the back seat of the cruiser as I left.

    aufrichtig sehr angenehmer schadenfreude!

  6. SignOfZeta says:

    “Another instance of too much money and time wasted to “prove” something we all know anyways.”



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