The British government on Tuesday moved toward legalizing mini brothels, as it proposed changing the law to allow up to three prostitutes to work together.

Home Office Minister Fiona Mactaggart said the current law, which bars more than one prostitute working in a premises, put women at risk.

Unveiling a government strategy paper, she said the government’s main focus was tackling street prostitution and cracking down on so-called “curb crawlers” who trawl the sidewalks in their cars looking for sex.

“…I think the evidence that women working on their own are putting themselves in danger is powerful, and recognize that this is not something that is going to be solved instantly.”

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  1. Robert Nichols says:

    Looks like another job for “homesourcing”.

  2. Michael Reed says:

    Hrmmm this sounds like a logical solution to a problem. It will never happen, some far right wing nut will get all churchy, or some far left wing nut will get all protect the children and boom. But I wish England luck.

  3. Oldest profession. To quote Jay in Dogma:
    ‘ A woman’s bodies her own *&@#% business.’

    Good book on these studies is from an old friend of mine, named Peter McWilliams — since passed away but called ‘Ain’t nobody’s business if you do. The absurdity of consensual crimes in our free country.’ Though the focus is on America, it has quality and humurous insight.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    “it proposed changing the law to allow up to three prostitutes to work together”

    Three is over kill – the most I could handle was two – for about 30 seconds.

  5. Pat says:

    Wouldn’t you want one to operate the camera?

  6. Sounds The Alarm says:


    You prove once again to be my intellectual superior. I bow sir.


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