BBC News – 15 January 2006:

A woman who has tried many times to kill herself has been given an Asbo banning her from much of her home town’s seafront.

Police were granted the anti-social behaviour order after emergency services were called out at least 36 times to save Amy Dallamura, aged 42.

I thought it was men who couldn’t commit?!

  1. You got to be bad to fail at killing yourself, a gun in the mouth is so fast and easy how can you fail.

  2. Movi says:

    Now that’s some weird twist of darwins survival of the fittest…

  3. Steve Reno says:

    Actually, simply lighting a small charcoal brazier in your bedroom when you retire is a gentler and much more reliable way to do it.

    After all, not everybody has access to a gun.

    Done right, “suicide is painless”.

  4. BOB G says:

    “Go ahead get it over with now, go ahead get it over with now. But do it right the first time don’t be a suicide chump.” Frank Zappa

  5. David Clark says:

    I can’t find the source I’m looking for, but I’ve read a female suicide victim averages 40-50 attempts before being successful. Males have lower numbers because they are more prone to use firearms.

    The closest thing I can find to this statistic is “Evidence indicates that for every suicide, they are 50 to 100 attempts at suicide.” (

    Long story short, it isn’t by any means bizarre that this woman has tried this many times.

  6. Pat says:

    Couldn’t some Doctor give this woman some anti-depressants?

  7. John Wofford says:

    This woman is not trying to die, she is merely looking for attention. Maybe some drugs, or a lobotomy?

  8. chasb says:

    1. What does this story have to do with the Indianapolis Colts?
    2. Isn’t it highly insensitive, seeing as the Colts’ head coach recently lost his 18-year-old son to an apparent suicide, to have the Colts logo at the top of the story?
    3. I’m not a Colts fan (GO STEELERS), but c’mon.
    4. If you were hacked, and this isn’t on purpose, I retract everything above, except the GO STEELERS part.

  9. El Suprimo says:

    That woman needs to move to Oregon.

    As for comment 8, #1-3: lighten up, Francis.

  10. andrea says:

    i dont feel you need to kill yourself


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