Um.. excuse me Miss, did you know that your back’s on fire?

Another Weight Loss Solution:

The Life of Life Healing Spa in Hong Kong is boasting that this method, called the Aqua-Fire treatment, is the newest way to slim down.

Since its opening in September, about 100 customers have successfully undergone this fiery treatment, with no casualties.

It starts with a body scrub and a spa bath, followed by a massage of the fatty area, buttocks or stomach.

Then a concoction of Chinese medicinal herbs is applied on the skin, after which the area is covered with two wet towels, doused with alcohol and set ablaze.

  1. Neodiablo22 says:

    “Chinese Fire Drill!!!”

  2. ParanoidAndroid says:

    *sniff sniff*

    I smell bacon….

  3. Sean says:

    Geez, that’s extreme. When will people finally realize that the only sure way to getting rid of excess weight is with exercise and eating right. Setting yourself on fire to loose slim down?

  4. GregAllen says:

    It’s common for westerners to visit the east and have their minds opened about ancient and non-traditional medicine.

    For me, it’s been just the opposite. I now loath “alternative medicine.” There are so many quacks and kooks doing this goofball stuff and the people just stay sick.

    Probably there are a few real remedies among all the herbs but it is a small small minority of treatments. The vast majority just robs sick people — usually poor — of their money.

  5. GregAllen says:

    Sean said: >>that the only sure way to getting rid of excess weight is with exercise and eating right.

    It’s only “sure” if you consider a +90% failure rate as “sure”! (And about a third actually GAIN weight!)

    I’ve tried the “eat less and exercise more” diet strategy several times. It didn’t work for me nor does it work for hardly anybody.

    “Eat less, exercise more” might be THEORETICALLY true but it is PRACTICALLY useless for nearly everybody and COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to many.

    It’s equivalent to the “SNAP OUT OF IT!” mental health technique you see in old movies.

  6. RonD says:

    Customers should be advised not to eat beans within 24 hours before having this procedure. 🙂

  7. BOB G says:

    TOGregAllen”YOU WEAK”

  8. GregAllen says:

    >>TOGregAllen”YOU WEAK”

    You don’t happen to work in tech support, do you? When 90% of something fails… you claim it is the users fault!

    I don’t know why more people don’t state the obvious… diets rarely work. This isn’t just the fad diets… it’s true for reducted calorie diets, too.

    This is not some crazy theory… it is well-documented and just plain obvious to anyone who observes life. And I don’t believe for a second that the failure of diets is because fat people are weak.

    By the way, have you lost a lot of weight and kept if off? Unless you have (or have tried), you probably don’t get-it.

    It works the other way, too. I’ve had several too-skinny friends who tried to PUT ON weight. They failed, too.

    (In case you’re wondering… I’m overweight but not too huge. So this isn’t a defensive thing for me.)

  9. David Clark says:

    This needs to come to the states soooo bad!! I want to catch fat people on fire!

    Finally, vengence will be mine for all those times I’ve been squished on buses and airplanes!


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