You’ve got the salute backwards, jerk-off – Iran plans Holocaust conference – Jan 15, 2006 — This is rich.

TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran, whose president has labeled the attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews during World War II a “myth” and called for the destruction of Israel, announced Sunday it will hold a conference on the Holocaust.

“There will be a conference that will research the topic of the Holocaust and all its dimensions in the future,” according to a statement on the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

Can someone tell me the logic whereby Jew-haters say the holocaust was a myth in one sentence then say they want to kill all Jews in the next sentence! Isn’t this a little like the dumb criminal who says he never shot a person then says if he did then he only shot twice not three times! This joker has got to go. He was actually elected?

found by Dan McDermott

  1. Pat says:

    I swear, give the guy a bath and shave and he could pass for dubya. Or his brother.

  2. Movi says:

    If you did thst, he would start saying that Guantanamo was a myth too..

  3. Eideard says:

    I’m presuming your question is rhetorical, Paul — since I believe you know enough history to understand that’s exactly how and why the world ended up with reactionary theocrats in power in Iran. Our government participated in destroying a legal, secular government to put the Shah back in power — in our pocket.

    Later US governments supported a schmuck like Saddam — to accomplish what? They hoped to wipe out yet another government in Iran. That’s why you see those delightful photos of Rummy in Baghdad, during more recent Republikan administrations.

    After all the years of hating the Brits for ripping off the Middle East, what did they get for an alternative? Uncle Sugar waltzed in and set about repeating all the worst of Western Imperialism. You know — without offering an elaboration, simple self-interest could have been worked into the equation by partnering with businesses and civilians in a lot of the Middle East. I have family and friends who worked in Iran and got along just fine. Folks generally differentiated between Americans and the American government. But, DC couldn’t leave it alone. Time and again, the money boys wanted the whole package.

    Change for the better would take a couple of websites to outline. But, none of it means anything until we have a government that believes in cooperation, diplomacy, partnership — instead of hamfisted, arrogant “regime change”.

  4. I’m guessing this conference might not be as objective as it perhaps could be.

    Seems a little silly though, I mean assuming best case for this Iranian guy is that he proves the Holocaust is a myth beyond a reasonable doubt. Does this mean that Israel will cease to exist? No, it is a strong, well armed democracy, with a nuclear armed 2nd strike capability.

    It has earned its right to exist outside of any Holocaust/ or religious related reasons, after all, the most important part of being a state is having the de facto authority to enforce its will on its claimed territory.

    Although any coverage of issues relating to Israel tends to be loaded with rubbish from all sides, I saw a documentary recently outlining the media filtering of Israel related issues in the US, scary stuff. Apparently the news Americans get from mainstream media sources about Israel/Palestine can often be quite different from other Western countries. Go figure.

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    No doubt he’s an ass, but poping him usually puts a bigger ass in power.

    But O Lord it is tempting…….

  6. Dr. Fussbudget says:

    I don’t know if this guy can be compared to other people in the world such as USA far-right survivalists and other paranoid types, but maybe so. The thing about holocaust deniers is that they’ve somehow gotten themselves into admiring guys like Hitler (‘he got things done!’), but mere unpleasant facts that get in the way, such as him having major screws loose, being a mass murderer etc. are just put out of mind by stonewalling. It’s as if they need to do this because they know those things aren’t very good for a person to admit that they support.

    They seem to love the attention they get by making waves with it… the more angry the response, the more smug and righteous they feel. They may end up looking like proudly ignorant pinheads, but that makes no difference, either. All they gotta do is toss out that old chestnut, “Everybody’s being duped by the World Jewish Conspiracy!”.

    What I can’t figure out is: why do people have to believe in all these conspiracies? I for one think that human beings are too dumb to form effective secret conspiracies, especially in this time of media scrutiny and greedy whistleblowers and whatnot.

    And Jews? How could they be any better at it? They can’t even agree on anything around the dinner table!!

  7. GregAllen says:

    (It’s a bit of a lunatic-fringe there but…) there are people who claim that the Nazis INTENTIONALLY spread anti-Semitism in the Arab world as a way to gain allies leading up to WWII. And that contributed to the current appalling bigotry we see now in this part of the world.

    Does anyone know about this? I explored it before but didn’t bookmark anything. Now when I Google it, no credible sites come up.

    The reason I find this intriguing is that it would explain a few things that are, otherwise, kind of mystifying to me.

  8. Pat why is it ok to attack Christians (go back to the condom keychain post), but not Jewish people (I say it is wrong to attack both)?

  9. Milo says:

    GregAllen and anyone else interested:

    Michael you are too stupid for words.

  10. Pat says:


    Any religion is something based upon faith. Well, faith is not good enough for me. I expect and demand concrete evidence. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, and Bhudda can not provide any evidence WITHOUT relying upon faith. And that makes then the same as a superstition. Friday 13th does not bother any more then fearing of the devil does.

    Whether it is a condom on a keychain or the Pope as a soap on a rope makes no difference. If you take your beliefs into the public mainstream and try to impose them on me, then you become fair game. Christians and Jews have imposed themselves into my life and tried to influence it. Please note, I do not have anything negative to say about Amish or Mennonites.

    In this case, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not criticizing a religion. He is advocating or condoning the genocide of a race of people. In case you missed it, there were between five and six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during World War II. Be it because they are Jewish, or Kurdish, Gypsies or Tutus is irrelevant. The advocation of murder is wrong and the advocation of a genocide makes it even more wrong.

    I could go on a rant about this, but I will end it here because I feel an urge for another coffee.

  11. Pat says:


    Is this really paul t. writing, or Pat Robertson in disguise?

  12. BL says:

    neville chamberlain was supposedly buying time for the British military buildup. This theory resonates with the time line of the war, and I accept his actions as preserving Britain long enough to have it become a key contributor to the German defeat.

  13. Pat says:


    No way. The appeasement at Munich should be looked at in a macro view. While this was going on, the fascists had taken over Spain, marched into Manchuria and China, absorbed Czechoslovakia and Austria, marginalized the Jews and Gypsies, and undertaken a massive war effort. It was obvious to most people that Hitler, and the other fascists were on a world domination course. Chamberlain took the cheap way out and even his own party were upset.


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