Mike Marlowe fully admits that he sometimes gave George Gillespie a hard time in that AOL chatroom.

But never in his wildest imagination did he expect to be sued in court for what he characterized as “razzing.”

“We gave him crap,” said Marlowe, a 33-year-old welder in Fayette, Ala. “I’m not going to deny it. I teased him and he teased me back. He gave it back better than he ever got it.”

Gillespie, 53, claims that Marlowe and Bob Charpentier, a 52-year-old Oregon resident, insulted him and harassed him in the AOL chatroom called “Romance — Older Men” to the point where it inflicted “severe emotional distress and physical injury that is of a nature no reasonable man could be expected to endure it.”

The complaint, expected in court on Jan. 31 for a pretrial conference, also names AOL as a defendant for allowing the alleged harassment to take place.

Another great reason for having Moderated Comments here. We try to hold down the flaming — even if it may not always feel like it. You should see the stuff we delete.

Thanks, Pat

  1. simplicitas says:

    Sticks and stones may break my bones, but trolls will never hurt me.

  2. Jack Lear says:

    true simplicitas…Unless the Troll has level 5 Stone throwing ability, or the ‘Stick of Death’ item with +2 Damage.

  3. James says:

    Um, yeah. If it hurt so much, you should’ve just left. No one was forcing you to stay in the chat room.

  4. Chris Hollis says:

    Presumably they mean “psychiatric”… although I do remember a quote once from a man who said “I’ll be rich and famous the day I invent a way to punch somebody in the face over the Internet” 😛

  5. Gregory says:

    Stab, it was stab. Its one of the highest rated quotes a bash.org

  6. Pat says:

    Only on AOL.


  7. Pat says:

    The second post prior to this is about a pill to help with Post Traumatic Syndrome. Someone should introduce the guy to the researchers and give him a pill.

  8. twdldee says:

    If those guys bug you too much, post their addresses and phone numbers in the chat rooms.

  9. Pete Findlay says:

    Some people take the internet too seriously. You don’t know them, they don’t know you. How can you care what people say who don’t even know you? But it happens all the time.


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