Two Indonesians in their 50s exchanged wedding vows this week without ever meeting by using the Internet to make up for the oceans that separate them.

Wiriadi Sutrisno works as a physiotherapist in California, and Rita Sri Mutiara Dewi is from the Indonesian city of Bandung.

They met through the Internet. Sutrisno proposed that way, and they finally exchanged wedding vows in a ceremony using voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. A Muslim religious official supervised their exchange of vows, the Jakarta Post reported Friday.

“We’ve exchanged photos, chat almost daily and often call each other, but we’ve never met,” Dewi was quoted as saying.

The happy couple won’t have to wait much longer to see each other in person–Dewi is scheduled to fly to the United States later this month.

And Billy Idol should love the headline.

  1. Nina says:

    wow thats beautiful

  2. Nina says:

    Wow didn’t know a person could do that !!!!!!!!!

  3. Pat says:

    Now what nation on this earth would validate this wedding? Don’t they have to sign the wedding application in person first?

  4. Eideard says:

    Actually, since about 1985, a faxed signature is acceptable for legal documents. That’s the core of what kicked-off the original boom in fax machines. Made life easier for lawyers!

  5. Kent Goldings says:

    What happens if one of them as odeous personal habits, halitosis, excessive flatulence or even snores? I guess love can overcome these things but I’d like to know before I tie the knot.

  6. jangelo says:

    What happens if one of them as odeous personal habits, halitosis, excessive flatulence or even snores?

    I guess that makes the whole internet-wedding thing more exciting. 😉


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