“I want you to find all the filty, disgusting, contemptible pornography you can on the internet.”

Poor kids. Finally a fun assignment and, as usual, mom and dad say no.

A high school research assignment on Internet pornography was canceled after parents in this Cleveland suburb complained.

Superintendent Jeff Lampert said that although the teacher’s apparent goal – to discuss the harmful effects of pornography – was well-intentioned, he agreed with parents that the assignment was inappropriate for 14- and 15-year-old freshmen at Brooklyn High.

The assignment asked students to research pornography on the Internet and list eight facts about pornography. Students also were asked to write their personal views of pornography and any experience they had with it.

So.. I guess it’s up to us to come up with a list of eight facts about internet pornorgraphy. Won’t you help? :-)

Please keep the comments clean.

  1. Kevin says:

    Well, 90% of the time theres an inanimate object involved…

  2. Jean Du Nord says:

    P.T. Barnum said “There’s a sucker born every minute” and “Every crowd has a silver lining.”

    Here’s one of the facts… every internet porn site is run by someone that shares P.T. Barnum’s low opinion of people. It’s all about getting you to part with your money.

  3. So you agree with the 9 circus court (yes I used circus) that parents don’t have a say in when and what their children learn about sex???

    I am refuring to the rulling on the 1st gread questionar they had that had questions like “how often do you think about sex” “how often do you think about having sex with the same sex”

  4. Fact: You could spend your $10/ month, but most people — like Martin Sargent admitted– just take the free tours.

  5. Pat says:

    #3, Michael,

    Where do you get this stuff? Could you give a source, other then some right wing-nut, religious driven unverifiable blog?

  6. Ram says:

    Trying to keep it as clean as possible . 🙂
    1. All guys have it 8″. African-American have it more than 12″
    2. The bigger the better. D, F, J, DD are the magic letters
    3. BBW can float on water

  7. GregAllen says:

    Heck, they’re probably looking at it anyway…. they might was well get class credit!

    Seriously… this shows really bad judgment but I doubt it hurt the kids any.

  8. Pat says:

    I don’t think you have read the decision. By the way you phrased it, I am sure that you read this in some right-wing nut pamphlet and used that as your source. Even though the 9th Circuit Court published the decision, they based it upon three prior decisions, two Supreme Court cases, Meyer and Pierce, and Brown from the 1st Circuit.

    Quoting the 1st circuit in Brown, 68 F.3, 535 (1st Circuit, 1995)

    …the state does not have the power to “standardize its children” or foster a”homogeneous people” by completely foreclosing the opportunity of individuals and groups to choose a different path of education. We do not think, however, that this freedom encompasses a fundamental constitutional right to dictate the curriculum at the public school to which they have decided to send their children.

    they 9th Circuit then went on to say.

    Schools can not be expected to accommodate the personal, moral, or religious concerns of every parent. Such an obligation would not only contravene the educational mission of the public schools, but would also be impossible to satisfy.”

    Also your statement that parents don’t have any say in teaching sex to their children is wrong. The court opined parents do not have an unfettered right to be the sole provider of information to their children, but no where did they suggest that only the state could teach their children. Read the first quote above.

    Although the survey did ask if the students thought about sex, it did NOT ask how often they thought about having sex with the same sex. Again you took liberties because I don’t believe you read the opinion. You picked and chose what you wanted to present. A typical Limbaugh / O’Rielly stunt.


    The most fascinating thing about internet porn? How they manage to get your email address without it being provided.

    With all that silicone out there, I’m buying stock in Dow-Corning.

  9. Babaganoosh says:

    4. More fun than Minesweeper.

  10. Pat, to say that parents don’ t have unfettered right, is to say they don’t have rights to prevent their children from learning at a to young age. That is just wrong. I am so glad I don’t live in CA if I did I would be moving FAST. I would not want the 9th curcus rulling over cases where I live. Call me what ever you want, I don’t care what you think of me.

  11. Greg Mc says:

    Next Fact: Whatever the sickest most depraved thing is that you can think of, someone has a web page for it, and they take it to a level that even you hadn’t imagined. You will develop a whole collection of things that you will wish to “unsee”.

  12. Michael Dziok says:

    I have a fact.

    If all the Internet porn sites were gone tomorrow the most popular site on the Internet would be:


    –I can’t take credit for that; I heard it a long time ago from some standup comic.

    My personal view: I like porn and I like the freedom to view what I wish on the Internet. I think the teacher’s assignment was progressive and poignant; however, I don’t think the children were old enough for the hands on part of the assignment. If he/she wanted to do something on this topic it would have been better if it was just a discussion on culture, censorship and the Internet.

  13. Brooklyn Parent says:

    He didn’t assign any internet research. The students were given a packet to read and several questions to answer. Then discuss in class. The assignment centered around internet pornography. Maybe some overacheiving students were looking for some hands on experience, but that wasn’t part of the assignment.


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