The Democrat Free Speech Zone During the Conventions. Architect: Aldolph Eichmann
ACLU Opposes Patriot Act Provision — I was hoping to find this on some other site than the Washington Post, but apparently few people know about or care about this. First there was the fenced-in Free Speech Zone/Cage. Now this. Pathetic.

The Secret Service is authorized to charge suspects with breaching security or disruptive behavior at National Special Security Events, but only if the president or another person under the protection of the service is in attendance, according to a legislative summary.

The bill adds language prohibiting people from “willfully and knowingly” entering a restricted area “where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting.” The measure also applies to security breaches “in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance,” according to the bill.

Penalties for such violations would increase from six months to a year in prison.

To the ACLU, the changes would open the door to even tighter security restrictions at major events and would subject protesters to harassment from federal law enforcement officers. The Bush administration has come under sharp criticism from liberal and civil-liberties groups for disputed arrests and security measures at presidential events.

Bush blames Democrats for anyone making this an issue

  1. It’s worse than pathetic, it’s terrifying. Despite criticism from the left and right, Bush continues to think that he has the right to ignore the Consitution, the Bill of Rights, and Congress. Thankfully, he’s only got two more years to continue to undermine our basic civil liberties, but it is astonishing how so many Americans are willing to sacrifice liberty for security.

    Remember the book from the ’50s, It Can’t Happen Here about a dictator taking over America? American ignorance of history could prove the most dangerous trend in the country.

    Perfect example of what I mean by Parodies Lost!

  2. Joe says:

    These zones were NOT invented by the Bush Administration. Also, where is the criticism for the DNC, who zoned off protestors in EXACTLY the same way?

    BTW:Godwinned. Bombastic, blowhard, overly-dramatic comparisons to Nazi Germany only serve to make those who agree with you chuckle, they serve no purpose in real debate nor do they further your cause.

  3. meetsy says:

    Who were they invented by? What administration used them, previously?

  4. Eideard says:

    It Can’t Happen Here was written in the 1930’s — around the time a group of Republicans solicited a Marine General for a coup attempt against Roosevelt. Instead, he testified before Congress about it.

    Joe may be referring to crap like Daley’s attempts to brutally shut down dissent during the Dem Convention in Chicago in the 60’s.

    His whining fits the measure of all of those who are “above” comparisons between the corrupt who aren’t yet running a fascist government; but, are perfectly willing to do so if it suits their needs — vs. those who historically moved to fascism. Some historians call it hairsplitting. The whiners whine. I say they haven’t much understanding of history or cause-and-effect relationships.

    Pretty much all 20th Century fascists came to power via patriotism, freedom and fear. Something we have no shortage of, right now, either.

  5. Pat says:


    During the Democratic Convention in August, you overlooked a couple of items. The DNC did not order or organize the security. That was done by the New York City Police with co-operation and assistance by the FBI and Secret Service. Once Kerry was determined to become the Presidential candidate, he gets Secret Service protection, and that was BEFORE the convention.

    Ancient history, but the 1968 convention in Chicago was a fiasco and derided by most candidates and convention goers. Mayor Daily took a lot of flack inside the Democratic Party and there has not been a Democratic Convention in Chicago since. Some credit the police brutality with costing Hubert H. Humphry the election which ended up allowing Richard Nixon into the White House..

  6. Dusan Maletic says:

    I’d say Joe is mentioning most recent DNC convention in Boston, not the 60’s. Check for the news from that time about contraversy of “caging” demonstrators away from the Fleet convention center with the enormous chain-links. Image above illustrates RNC, but similar one have been seen at DNC… Extremists on the both sides are guilty for these appearing and those can easily push the normal majority into “1984” (ultraD’s win) or Gidi Prime (ultraR’s win). Neither beeing my preference.

  7. Jim W. says:

    For the DNC issue,

    From the article:
    The changes are meant to clear up legal confusion about the Secret Service’s role at major events and to ensure that venues are fully secure before the president or other top officials arrive, they said.”

    This bill “…is aimed at making clear that the Secret Service has authority at major events as outlined in a Clinton-era presidential directive.”

    The freedom to protest is not at question, the question is do those protesters have the “right” to violate the Presidents, or other dignitaries, circle of security. My answer is no.


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