Something has him thinking about Condi

From the Helzerman blog:

With all the fun us Americans have had watching the death-spiral of Pat Robertson, we might have forgotten that Russia has its own failed politico turned full time nut job; Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Zhirinovsky, who began his career as a lawyer, quickly rose to power to lead Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party at which time things swiftly went down hill ending in a 6% vote for his presidential bid. His views range from uproariously hilarious (he wants to reclaim Alaska) to down right scary (he praised Hitler).

His latest gaffe was in an interview with Pravda in which he said,

“Condoleezza Rice released a coarse anti-Russian statement. This is because she is a single woman who has no children. She loses her reason because of her late single status.”

“The civilized world needs to think about a decision when single politicians are not allowed to stay in power.”

and my personal favorite..

“Condoleezza Rice needs a company of soldiers. She needs to be taken to barracks where she would be satisfied.”


  1. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Doesn’t this man know thats duhbya’s her “man”?

  2. Pat says:

    Giving press space to idiots like this only encourages them.

  3. Greg Mc says:

    The problem is, you never really know. Sometime the whackos see the truth when the ‘normal’ people all see the emperor’s new clothes.

  4. comradevik says:

    i speak russian(am from moldova)
    zhirinovsky is just crazy.. sometimes he speaks what others dont wanat to hear though. but i personaly think he’s intelligent

    when asked who his parents were he answered “my mom is russian, my dad is a lawyer”

  5. Johnny says:

    WAs This The Same Guy who wanted to Nuke Japan?

  6. MV says:

    Zhirinovsky would have made sense if in the last sentence, he had meant Abu Ghraib soldiers.


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