Audience for Twit Show at the Zeum — Click on image to enlarge

Last Tuesday the Twit (This Week in Tech) podcast did a special bonus show from the MacWorld Expo in San Francisco. It was done at a charming facility next to Moscone Center called the Zeum which is actually a unique Chiildren’s museum and creativity center. Inside the thing is a fantastic small theater which was perfect for the podcast which we sometimes have taped on video by Pixel Corps, a trendy media development outfit in San Francisco headed by sometimes Twitster Alex Lindsay. We may do a live show like this once a month, so if you are in San Francisco you may want to check in on the Twit site and grab a seat in the audience.

  1. Mike says:

    Awesome. Almost makes me wish I wasn’t confined to South Dakota.

    Seriously, though, I love the podcast. Any idea when the audio will be available? It seems as though the TWiT site cannot be found (for the moment).

  2. RTaylor says:

    John from a quick head count your demographics seem to be tilted toward males. What few women I see are apparently with the video crew or are reluctantly with significant others. The Twits needs to reach out and touch the opposite sex. I realized this is a challenge when you have to work with Laporte. 😉

  3. Dale Huber says:

    I was going to comment that I was surprised to see any women in the audience. Have there been any reported abductions in the area?

    Also, the empty seats down front, reserved for the expected celebrity guest? Where are the hired seat fillers for when the celeb’s go to the bathroom?

  4. Jon says:

    Wow. I love TWIT. Wish I can attend some live session some time…

  5. Firestarter says:

    Not the prettiest crowd I’ve ever seen. 😉

    It’s neat that an independant broadcast has gained such popularity, abeit amongst folks that themselves aren’t that popular.

    I love TWIT. Great show.

  6. Awake says:

    Hey look… it’s me! I’m in the photo! Seriously… I’m in the photo.
    TWIT saved the day, because if there is one comment I can make about MacWorld, it that it was booooring, and TWIT came to the rescue.
    a) New laptop using different hardware and same OS. Yawn. Large audience mesmerized by the great leap forward… all forgetting the great “G5 fastest chip in the universe” thing from basically a year ago.
    b) 57 companies selling cases for iPods. (can you say iPod bubble?)
    c) Removable hard drives galore.
    d) One juggler.
    e) The same cameras, printers, scanners, etc that you can see at your local stores.
    f) The most interesting item to me was the Adobe Lightroom bombshell, which is setting up to be an Apple Aperture killer, much like MS Word did to Wordperfect. Low overhead (runs on a G4), sensible design.
    Thanks TWIT!

  7. Hey, there’s me taking a picture of you taking a picture of me. It was great to see everyone. And for your viewing pleasure I made the worst Photoshop gag ever for you:

  8. deathtongue says:

    So why is the TwiT site Down again????

  9. Joe Dirt says:

    RE: demographics…looks like the typical bunch from MacWorld Expo to me.

  10. Eideard says:

    Why do folks wonder over my contempt for contemporary journalism. The Associated Press has a release out — today, 13th — announcing the video iPod. With a quote from Philip Swann saying it will never fly.

    Both equally incompetent.

  11. Paul says:

    @5centcigar: Far from being truly “pejorative” as you suggest, I think the TWIT name simply shows that the hosts don’t take themselves too seriously. It reflects the fun nature of the show. After all, it ain’t “Meet the Press.”

  12. John Wofford says:

    TWIT is a cool concept but lacking the most important part: Video. I’ve downloaded one of the podcasts and it just sounds like any normal bull session around the water cooler, or (like here in the south) around the back of a pickup truck. As a former fan of the ill-fated TechTV I can tell you it’s a big difference watching Leo or Patrick interview techheads or screw around with, and occasionally screwing up, high dollar hardware/software that I couldn’t afford just to play with.
    Plus, and this is a big plus, they proved that brainy, beautiful young ladies do exist, and the show was enhanced beyond measure by their presence. You don’t get that ambiance with audio only. What we need is a TV show dedicated to adult tech heads, like TechTV, but without the commercial kid stuff. (Adult Tech Heads: Oxymoronic?)

  13. What is all this bull about women not listening to TWIT? I am a woman and an old one at that and I eagerly await each TWIT plus I subscribe to all Leo’s podcasts. I hope you all are grateful for the gift of these podcasts and I hope to see some sort of replacement for TechTV grow out of them.


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