Nikon will discontinue production of all lenses for large format cameras and enlarging lenses with sales of these products ceasing as soon as they run out of stock. This also applies to most of our film camera bodies, interchangeable manual focus lenses and related accessories. Although Nikon anticipates that the products will still be in retail distribution up to Summer 2006.

Saved from the chopping block are the very high-end film models:

In recognition of Nikon’s commitment to professional photographers we will continue to manufacturer and sell the F6, our flagship film model, as well as a number of manual interchangeable lenses. Sales of the manual FM10 will also continue outside Europe.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    I read an interesting comment on a photography site, stating the FM10 would not be sold in the European Union anymore because of the EU’s prohibitions/restrictions on the use of lead-based solder. [??]

  2. Jon says:

    Interesting, wonder if other camera companies will follow suits.

  3. Steve S says:

    The prohibition/restriction you refer to is termed the RoHS directive.

    The RoHS Directive stands for “the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment”. This Directive will ban the placing on the EU market of new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants from 1 July 2006.

    Basically manufacturers that want to sell in the EU have to redesign their electronic products to no longer use lead-based solder or parts that contain lead. This conversion can be costly and in the case of the FM10, Nikon decided it was not worth the cost.

    More info at:

  4. C0D3R says:

    Steve Gibson will need a larger freezer.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    The prohibition/restriction you refer to is termed the RoHS directive.

    Steve S,
    Thanks for the detailed info. 🙂

  6. Jetfire says:

    Now they just need to improve the Digital Cameras. Please make your sensor full size like Canon and no 3/4 Nikon. My only surprise is that it took this long and that it is so quick. I would have expected a phased out approach. The bigger surprise is the Lens being discontinued.

  7. SignOfZeta says:

    This kind of thing sort of sucks because I can afford a $400 SLR, but I can’t afford a digital camera that is as good as a $400 SLR, at least not from what I’ve seen.

    This transition is going to suck.


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