When you watch tv, the deep eternal questions
just spring forth like a fountain.

The Hamilton County Coroner says a body found in a Madisonville home last week had been in the home for two and a half years.

Dr. Owens says the deceased believed when she died she would come back to life and her caregiver wanted to honor that wish.

The cause of death is still undetermined.

Dr. Owen’s says each day the caregiver would check in on the deceased, spraying away flies and maggots, and sometimes turning on the TV.

“The caregiver felt this woman may come back,” said Dr. Owens. “She felt at one time the nose and the ear were gone and the nose and ear reappeared.”

“I think what happened, when you have maggots on your nose and ear you may look at the body and not think they are there. Then, when [the maggots] die it’s there. I think it may have given her false hope she was going to come back,” said Dr. Owens.

Ah yes, that must be it, it’s a rather easy mistake to make really.

  1. Monosyllabic says:

    I constantly mistake the maggots on my friends’ faces for their nose and ears. Easy mistake, I don’t blame the woman.

  2. Pat says:


    that is just plain sick. I used to have that problem though, now I just don’t turn on the lights.

  3. Max says:

    Ah – good ol’ metro Cincy. God I love living here!

  4. Well you could consider he coming back to life…..as a maggot.

  5. Mike Cannali says:

    she obviously came back as a swarm of houseflies

  6. Pat says:

    She didn’t get up during the commercials though. I’m sure the ad agencies appreciated that. The networks might be a little put off, if that is what it takes to watch their programming.

  7. KB says:

    I keep thinking of the irony if, at some time, while she was sitting there upstairs, in her chair, Hitchcock’s Psycho was showing on her tv….

  8. mike cannali says:

    Was she a Nielsen family?

  9. GregAllen says:

    I used to work for a mortuary and most of the pick-up guys had stories of people in front of the TV for days or weeks… although never like this!

    Old people watch hours of TV, day and night, usually in a chair which perfectly supports them.

    A concerrned neighbor might peek in a window but they see them sitting there watching TV, with snacks at their side or a book in their hands, and figure they’re probably OK.

    It used to be that piling up newspapers were a sure sign that somebody was dead… another societal loss with the demise of newspapers!


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