Not even Orwell could forsee the tech that’s available to the government now. And don’t forget, what we see is technology that’s years old compared to what’s still classified, much less in R&D. Oh, right. With so much R&D spending being cut in this country, most is being done offshore as the economy booms with jobs for McDonalds (not McDonald Douglas). End of rant for today.

Technology is killing the fourth amendment…
Closed Circuit Television, tracking printed material, tracking us by our cell phones,opening our mail, tapping our phones… the list goes on and on as the government’s “war on the fourth amendment” continues.

The most recent advancement in the “spying on citizens” genre of technology is the Radar Scope. The Radar Scope will be deployed to troops in Iraq this Spring and will give “warfighters searching a building the ability to tell within seconds if someone is in the next room.”

  1. Michael Reed says:

    Okay I agree with all the build up, but the actual device hrm.

    Used in combat conditions it makes a lot of sense, used by our half corrupt/half good police forces domestically, it is just begging to be abused.

  2. Improbus says:

    So, where do I go to pick up my tinfoil hat?


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