After last nights Letterman Show the Blogs lit up since Letterman essentially called O’Reilly a liar and a phony. The real humor, though, comes from the blogs who cite a 2001 article by O’Reilly when he says:

The late-night program hosted by David Letterman is the toughest interview show on television.

That’s because Mr. Letterman is a smart guy who can spot a phony with telescopic accuracy and expects his guests to bring something to the table. If a guest begins to sink on this show, the bottom is a long way down.

A big part of doing well on the Letterman show is the audience. A guest not only has to win over the host, but also the people who are sitting a few yards away. It is not a tough crowd, most are happy to be seeing Dave in person, but they are listening. And you better have something to say.

Irony abounds.

  1. Mike says:

    yeah some of my favorite quotes:

    Letterman: “I don’t have any proof, but I feel that 60% of what you say is crap.”

    Letterman: “i don’t think your show is fair and balanced, but of course I’ve never watched it”
    O’Reilly: “how can you say that if you haven’t watched it?”
    Letterman: “I’ve read things about it”
    O’Reilly: “what you’ve read about it? you should see what people write about your show!”

    Basically it boils down to Letterman has never actually watched the show, but he still feels (based on the opinions of others) that O’Reilly is not fair and is a liar. Very intelligent argument.

  2. Shane Ross says:

    And the Silent Night lyric change that O’Reilly talked about was a FAKE STORY:


  3. Mike W says:

    O’Reilly is a blow hard moron. He represents everything that is wrong with American News Media.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Letterman came off mean spirited and unprofessional while O’Reilly kept his cool.

  5. Moss says:

    If Liberals and Libertarians look at the world through rose-colored glasses, what sort of lenses are used by the trolls who think O’Reilly is anything other than an arrogant thug?

    They must watch life through glasses made from the bottoms of some trashy Lite beer.

  6. Evil Bob says:

    O’Reilly is a commentator. He doesn’t represent everything wrong with American News Media. People who reported that those 12 miners in were alive represent whats wrong with American News Media. Reporting rumors as truth and half truths as the whole story is whats wrong with American News Media. Now I will admit I have watched O’Reilly (which makes me eminently more qualified to comment on his program than Letterman) and he is a rabble rouser. But then thats his job.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    People who reported that those 12 miners were alive represent whats wrong with American News Media.

    Agreed 🙁

    All their professed angst about using anonymus sources, and independently verifying facts – and they still race to keep from getting “scooped”.

  8. Cam Wolff says:

    Did watch the interview? Bill used facts. David used cheap shots. Bill handled himself very well when put in a tough situation. Come on John, you are smarter than that.

  9. Milo says:

    I’m so glad people are pointing out that you O’Reilly haters are all biased and therefore have no right to speak out against Dr. O’Reilly who representents the last bastion of faith based journalism in this country.

  10. Jim Scarborough says:

    Okay, O’Reilly is not the problem with the media, but it is stuff like reporting a rumor that miners were alive as if it were fact. I can accept those things. What about reporting information from the White House? While it may be true someone from the White House said there was a close encounter with a commercial jet while Bush was flying over for his surprise Thanksgiving trip, that story was later found to be fabricated, or at the very least uncorroborated. The press did pretty well in that case to check up with the pilots of the commercial airline involved. But some days, I get the impression that if the President announced “2+2=5” (or “things are going well in Iraq,” or, “the economy is in great shape”), and Ari Flescher confirmed it, the press would report it as absolutely true!

  11. Jeff Sauer says:

    Unfortunately, if given the choice, the typical American would rather spend their hour watching a sophomoric show like Letterman, instead of viewing a news commentary show that actually challenges one to think.

    I mean really…. it’s obviously more important for us to get to know a celebrity like Carmen Electra then it is to try and comprehend the current situation in Iran.

    As O’Reilly would say, “America needs to wise up.”

  12. neokyle says:

    Here’s a link to video of full interview from Love that Dave!

  13. Essefgy says:

    I try to stay informed about what Fox News is telling their knuckle-dragging viewers, but every time I try I end up wanting to gouge a screwdriver in my eyes.

    O’Reilly is the pro wrestling equivalent of a newsman: loud, confrontational, ridiculous, stupid, unbelievable.

  14. kzoodata says:

    It looked to me that Letterman was losing it when trying to convince Oreilly to show greater sympathy for Cindy Sheehan. O’reilly obviously disagrees with some of her views but at least stated he respects her right to say and do what she’s said and done. When it came to the anti-Christmas issues Oreilly kept bringing up, Dave wasn’t showing much sympathy there, either (although I tend to agree with him; it’s a tempest in a teapot).

    A strange interview to say the least, but Letterman Slams Oreilly? Nah, sorry, no substance. Dave just looks silly.

  15. AB CD says:

    So when he has O’Reilly on, Letterman can’t even be prepared with an example of what is wrong with The Factor. When he has Hillary on, he feeds her the answers to his New York quiz ahead of time so she can look good for the voters.

    Letterman is an entertainment show, and not a news show. O’Reilly had on at least one guest who said there were no WMD in Iraq BEFORE the war, so he is clearly abl to give both sides a semblance of a fair deal.

  16. Robert Nichols says:

    Sorry, but O’Reilly did not use facts. He made them up. Every single “fact” he quoted was dead wrong.

    Shane Ross (comment #2) pointed out the Silent Night one. (see the link)

    Sears-Kmart never said you couldn’t say “Christmas”. They asked their cashiers to say “Happy Holidays”

    Plano Texas: Student can’t wear Red & Green – false

    Cindy Sheehan said that terrorists that blow up women and children are freedom fighters. Sheehan has denied this. (I haven’t found the quote: she claims is was selective editing)

    O’reilly will never correct himself (he never does).

  17. Moss says:

    So, I wander back over here and the Bishop O’Reilly True Believers are still blathering about this sensational confrontation between their pet demagogue and a talk-show host — like this is a crisis of partisan politics!

    You lot are too funny for words. Why not go back to hanging out at your local American Legion bar where everyone agrees without requiring any facts? Why not whine about Keith Olberman while you’re at it? Lenny Bruce? Edward R. Murrow? Samuel Clemens?

  18. Sounds the Alarm says:

    AB CD

    O’Reilly has ONE no wmd guest and 50 pro war wmds guests and you think thats ballenced.

    How about him lying about his “Peabody” awards?

    It figures you listen to him – your “facts” show it.

  19. Charlie Massey says:

    I have been a Letterman fan since day one. I won’t go into the details of the efforts I have made to get a good clear picture on my TV since we are in the fringe area for CBS. I have not missed very many shows in the past 20 plus years.

    However, New York has affected his thinking and I have seen him erode from a straight thinking mid westerner to a NY Democrat. There is now a steady stream of leftists on the program and I now only tune in when Stupid Pet Tricks or something that is entertaining is on.

    Since Dan Rather is gone, I believe Dave wants the job…..

  20. Johnny says:

    Here a YTMND about

    He is what is wrong with the Media see his show and its endless liberal group bashing but there is never crsitiscm of right wing organizations he lied about the peabody awards he frquently attacks others yet gets mad when others critizce him he and all of fox news are whats wrong with the media

  21. site admin says:

    Hey Chris, quit reading left-wing evil conspiracies into everything like a paranoid lunatic. The blog entry was straight-forward. The irony of O’Reilly saying how Letterman can spot a phony, then going on Letterman and being called a phony. Get a sense of humor dude.

  22. Jeff says:

    “Unfortunately, if given the choice, the typical American would rather spend their hour watching a sophomoric show like Letterman, instead of viewing a news commentary show that actually challenges one to think.”

    You’ve got to be kidding me. No news commentary show, other than perhaps the Sunday morning shows, challenges you to think anything. They try to draw you into one side or the other. People watch Letterman or The Daily Show because they provide an equal opportunity to poke fun at everyone in Washington.

  23. Mike Voice says:

    …you O’Reilly haters are all biased and therefore have no right to speak out against Dr. O’Reilly who representents the last bastion of faith based journalism in this country.

    Thanks Milo,
    I actually laughed out-loud at that. 🙂

  24. Incognito says:

    Bill is a big blubbering vagina.

    Did you watch him cry about his little sex scandal and then issue the statement “This will be the last time I talk about this”

    What a wimp. You would think the self righteous blob wouldn’t limit any conversation since hes so damn hardcore and elite.

    All Bill cares about is that he can stir up controversy and get attention as the amount of comments on this thread dictates.

    Apparently there was a time when the media had nothing to do with entertainment. I was born well past that.

  25. site admin says:

    Agreed! I love the wordage: Faith-based journalism, an instant classic. I’ll have to use it myself.

  26. JB says:

    bah, my only problem with it is that Dave came off like an ass.

  27. wizard of odds says:

    Instead of bitching and whinning about who’s right and who’s wrong. … What’re you guys going to do about it? .. Nothing. … If you want to take an principal out of business. Go after their sponsors. .. Stop watching their shows. … Attack the money line. … Either be proactive or stop bitchin’

  28. GregAllen says:

    Cam Wolff >Did watch the interview? Bill used facts. David used cheap shots.

    But he didn’t which typifies the problem with Bill O’Reilly.

    For example, ONCE AGAIN he brought up that bogus story about changing the worlds to Silent Night from Dodgeville Wisconsin. Even though this has been TOTALLY DISPROVEN he keeps repeating it as proof that Christmas is “under attack.”

    This is TYPICAL Bill O’Reilly. If O’Reilly fans complain about Letterman being a “bully” it’s pure crocodile tears.

  29. Nick S says:

    You have to love the Left. They regularly slander O’Reilly based on what they read on the far left websites. And once a week a major metropolitan newspaper has to print a retraction for blatantly incorrect crap they print as fact off the web. That is embarrassing!
    I am a refugee from the Democratic Party. Why? When I see Howard Dean or John Kerry or Al Sharpton I am forced to vote the other way.
    I am a fan of Howard Stern and Bill O’Reilly. I think that makes me fair and balanced.

  30. Smith says:

    Bill’s a big boy; nobody put a gun to his head to go on Letterman. He has the platform to correct any “slight” Letterman may have inflicted. He certainly doesn’t need anyone in this forum to come to his defense.


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