The Inquirer – 03 January 2006:

A BUNCH of Swedish file sharers have got together to form their own political party.

The Pirate Party (Piratpartiet) said that it is tired of being deemed a criminals and terrorists by the system for sharing a few measly files for no financial gain or loss to anyone.

Arrrr, I be thinking this be a good idea for the US. Why should the RIAA have all the political sway over Congress? Not that I think we have a right to download music for free, I just think some balance is in order. Grandmothers and 14 year old girls are being punished more than real criminals.

And one last thing, shouldn’t the name be the Pirates 2 Party, or P2P for short?

  1. Improbus says:

    If anyone starts a Pirate Party in the US I will sign up. I am tired of the lying, hypocritical, bought and paid for Congress. Heave too and prepare to be boarded you old tired political parties! Yar!

  2. Don says:

    Sign me up, matey! I’ve always wanted to keelhaul somebody and the head of the RIAA seems a good choice. I’m tired of the gov’t parroting the RIAA line. Parroting. Get it?

  3. Tallwookie says:

    If there is a P2P party founded here in the usa, can we make the leader the Flying Spaggetti Monster?

  4. Pat says:


    Are you doing some Intelligent Designing for this group?

  5. kzoodata says:

    Ida know, I’m not sure I’d want to join a tech group that uses a cassette as part of it’s logo. a ZIP disk maybe, a thumb drive, possibly, but TAPE?!


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