Orlando Swinger Party Upsets Soccer Parents — this story is a hoot. Sounds like a good scene for a movie.

Paul Camporini brought his wife, seventh-grade daughter and eighth-grade son from Safety Harbor and said he had to “delicately explain to my Catholic school children that swingers change partners during the evening.”

“My biggest gripe is that the hotel had two distinctly different groups under the same roof,” said Camporini, 49. “A soccer team and middle-aged swingers should not have been booked together.”

The families said the sexually adventurous partygoers sometimes flashed breasts and bare buttocks in front of the children as they sashayed through the hotel atrium. The parents described the dress at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Airport in Orlando as “raunchy, despicable and worse than prostitutes.”

Oh, those crazy swingers!

  1. Improbus says:

    Right on! Give those prudes what for Grandma! W00T!

  2. RTaylor says:

    I remember attending a party in the late 70’s, and being asked to drop my keys in a goldfish bowl. At that time I was unaware of the nature of the party and it was explained quickly to me and my then wife. She stomped out and never believed that I was naive about the whole thing.

  3. garym says:

    You know, when I was a 14 year old boy, nobody would have to explain to me what swingers were or why those people were dancing so close together.
    Now that I’m 40 my question is “Why am I never invited?!?” šŸ˜‰

  4. ejwills says:

    I’m no prude, but this is beyond the pale. Orlando is supposed to be a family-oriented resort destination city.

    The hotel in question is not just a local ‘airport’ hotel- it is INSIDE the Orlando Airport. Anyone connecting flights and entering the hotel area for a bite to eat could have walked in on this spectacle, including families traveling with young kids.

  5. Dave Drews says:

    How much you want to bet the hotel has violent video games in the rooms. And I bet the tv shows doesn’t block violent shows. How sad we as a nation are so painfully afraid of sex in front of us but ok with sex and violence in our movies, tv and video games (ie, second hand). Perhaps the swingers were being crude in the lobby, but they weren’t hurting anyone.

  6. Imran Anwar says:

    I was born in Pakistan, a conservative country if ever there was one. But, I am always amazed at how in our great land of the free, land of freedom of speech and expression, that prudishness reigns supreme.

    I had a chuckle when I read this story – darn, I should make a mental note of the location of the hotel. I am not in the “lifestyle” but this hotel needs all the support they can get. šŸ™‚

    But, my question is, WHY did the issue of SWINGING have to come up with the parent’s talk with his kid? Did they see swingers actually SWINGING (i.e. people have sex, moving on to change partners and then having some more sex)? Probably not.

    So, why did the parent have to go into discussing swinging? If they only saw somewhat sexily dressed people dancing, then, guess what, swinging is not the issue, nudity or the human body is. If that is a problem, then these people should avoid trips to Europe at all costs.

    As far as the STUPID complaint that two kinds of people are being hosted in the same hotel… I do not drink or smoke or do drugs or use prostitutes. When I check into a hotel room, I have no way of knowing, controlling or complaining if the person in the next room is getting drunk, having sex or watching a porno movie (as long as he is not banging the walls and noisy šŸ™‚ ).

    A good point was also made by a person above about how OK it is to play games ripping heads off bodies, but heaven forbid if a breast is seen in a see-through dress….. Is that the sound of all hell breaking loose? Nope, just the thunder of running feet as oglers line up to see the swingers in action. šŸ™‚

    Your comments are welcome on my blog linked above.



  7. raindog says:

    Orlando may be vacationland for people with children, but it’s also vacationland for grownups. There’s any number of overpriced sex resorts in the area fanning out from Mausreich, probably the most on the North American continent, and the availability of ridiculously cheap round-trip airfare is what makes the airport hotels so popular for both soccer moms and swinger societies.

    Incidentally, there’s a great deal of overlap between those two groups. Don’t assume they’re polar opposites.

  8. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I’m tired of people with kids insisting that I sacrifice for their kids. Itā€™s always tax breaks “for the kids”. Watch your language “for the kids”. Go 2mph down a road because of “the kids”.

    Of course when it came to keeping their rug rats and assorted juvenile criminals off my property I’m suppose to “understand”.

    Hey, if you love your kids so much ā€“ keep them off my land and out of the street. You donā€™t like the hotel ā€“ complain or leave.

    How much do you want to bet that if it was a convention of 8 years olds that knocked on my door, went running up and down the hall etc. I would be expected to ā€œunderstandā€.

  9. Mr Mustard says:

    Jeez. Get a life, Soccer Moms. If you don’t want your kids to be exposed to the more corrosive side of American Culture, don’t take them to a trash heap like Orlando. So it’s got Disney and a bunch of other stupidly overpriced major media pimp outlets. It’s also where “businessmen” go to let off steam, and that mean PERVO. So deal with it, or move to Siberia. Or teach your kids that Rich Guys aren’t alway good guys.

  10. GregAllen says:

    I’m going to be a knee-jerk moderate on this one. While I don’t think it is a BIG deal… the hotel has a responsibility to not book incompatible groups together.

    Here are some others groups that the hotel should not book together:

    Orlando Swingers Club
    Greater Florida recovering sex addicts’ social

    Crips swapmeet
    Bloods bingo tournament

    The CIA-NSA Christmas mixer
    Paranoid schizophrenic atheists annual convention

    Fighting rotwiellers owners group
    Children suffering from ADA workshop

  11. Stu Mulne says:

    I feel for the hotel people…. Many years ago a friend of mine’s restaurant somehow managed to host the local liquor dealer’s association and the temperance society in two halves of the same large banquet room. (With an accordian door between them.)

    The sole waitress was one who had a big mouth. The owner’s hair went grey until that one was over….

    Seriously, this shouldn’t have happened – at least the swingers activities should have been confined to their rooms and perhaps a meeting room entered modestly. But the prudishness is kind of silly….

  12. Pat says:

    Everyone and everything has its place. Taking children to a swinger party is definitely not one of them.

    If you don’t like the channel change it, if you don’t like the movie don’t watch it, if you don’t like the pictures don’t buy the magazine, if you don’t like other hotel guests, LEAVE !!!

    Now, how do I explain to my daughter that there are people that believe in superstitious ideas such as: ā€œrising from the deadā€ without a board certified physician present,
    ā€œa virgin birthā€, now what is a virgin again?,
    ā€œturning water into wineā€ without a state permit and in the presence of underage children,
    ā€œwearing a coat of many colorsā€ that didn’t come with a designer label,
    ā€œsurviving for three days in the belly of a whaleā€, without a cell phone,
    and the most difficult,
    explaining how a man in Rome is voted ā€œinfallibleā€ by his buddies, yet thinks that women are subservient to men, birth control will make you a tool of the devil, if it feels good then it must be bad, believes it is OK to hide those who would hurt children, and only he has a direct line to a god.

    Yes, I realize that this is not an isolated cult, but their beliefs do bely common sense.

  13. Bob says:

    We have been to these parties in Orlando and the acusations are untrue. The ballroom has no windows and cannot be seen from the atrium. You must walk down a long, narrow corridor to get to the ballroom and pass through 3 different levels of security. It is impossible for anyone (kids or adults) to look into the dance area.

    Furthermore, this was a formal New Year’s Eve party. Most everyone would be wearing gowns and tuxedos. I am certain that noone was ever naked, nudity is simply not tolerated at one of these events.

    I wasn’t at this particular dance, but I know many that were and they have told me that the kids were running around unsupervised all night. Many tried to go down the hall but were turned back by security, including an off duty Orlando Police officer that said there was no nudity or obscene behaivior.

    This is a case of simple intolerance. The “soccer moms & dads” head that this was a “swinger” group so they made a big deal about it.

    I say, supervise your kids and keep to your own business and everything will be just fine.

  14. Sam says:

    The Crowne Plaza in Orlando is not located INSIDE the airport EJWills….it is near the airport…that is the reason they call it Crowne Plaza-Orlando Airport. The fault lies with the hotel and with the organizer of the Interlude party itself. The party organizer holds the most blame because they should have had enough security to keep people from being naked in public or exposing anything in front of kids…they also should not have advertised that it was a “Hotel Takeover” to their party guests. This company has done that before…they organize these parties and don’t keep people safe…that is why the co-owner was arrested two years ago in conjunction with one of their functions. They will never learn I guess.

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