Associated Press – Jan 3, 2006:

Have scientists found Mozart’s skull? Researchers said Tuesday they’ll reveal the results of DNA tests in a documentary film airing this weekend on Austrian television as part of a year of celebratory events marking the composer’s 250th birthday.

The tests were conducted last year by experts at the Institute for Forensic Medicine in the alpine city of Innsbruck, and the long-awaited results will be publicized in “Mozart: The Search for Evidence,” to be screened Sunday by state broadcaster ORF

I have to wonder what they intend to do with the skull if they confirm it’s really Mozart’s. Clone him from it? Put it on display? Combine it with Alien and Predator DNA and sell the offspring to the military? Only reburial seems fitting.

  1. Peter Hollett says:

    Check the size of his brain.

  2. Heman says:

    Nice Pics!

  3. Since it’s part of his body, they’ll likely give him a proper burial, something he didn’t have initially. The reason this would be such an amazing find is that he was given a poor man’s unmarked burial.

  4. Jeffro says:

    As nice as the pics are, I’d like to point out that they’re not really work-safe. 🙁

  5. Bunt4Power says:


    While I understand that the pictures don’t show any necesarrily objectionable (some would call them soft-porn), they cause me to understand why your blog has been rated by some filters as a pornographic site. Sorry, John, but soft porn is still porn.

  6. Jim says:

    Note the silent majority is silent, but not complaining.

  7. The skull would make a terrific percussion instrument. We could use it in a recording of Gershwin’s Cuban Overture or something.

  8. T.C. Moore says:

    All hail “side boob”.

  9. John Wofford says:

    A really neat segue (segway? Hell I never could spell that word, but you know what I mean) from ancient skull to scantily dressed chicks. Only a truly skilled professional could manage such a thing. And; something I keep trying to tell people: there is a thin line between artistic nudity and pornagraphy, a line which you have yet to cross. Keep up the good work, best girlie pics on the net.


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