I ran into a number of press announcements about this US Government online “food game” found here. Called MyPyramid, the site says: “An interactive computer game where kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. “Fuel” tanks for each food group help students keep track of how their choices fit into MyPyramid.” Obviously none of the people who designed this either have children or play games. Play it and you’ll see. You slide various good and bad foods into the fuel tank and some work and some don’t. The problem is you really don’t care since it’s essentially trial-and-error with no real learning about anything. The word “dumb” comes to mind. That said, I suspect they mean well with this sort of game, but isn’t this a waste of the taxpayers money? The money would be better spent to keep junk food out of public schools.

  1. ranron says:

    John, I actually spent five minutes to figure out exactly how to reach 2000 calories without going over or under and choosing enough of each of the five groups. The only problem is the activities is stupid as you can choose only one activity for 60 minutes. The foods can teach the children “You can guess and check to pick a healthy diet!”.

  2. John Wofford says:

    Sounds like Government employees desperately trying to justify their existence.

  3. CmdrTaco says:

    “Dumb” may not quite cut it. That was simply a foolish excercise in nothing. I feel stupider now that I’ve made it to Planet Power. If you’ll excuse me, I hear a box of Cheez-Its calling my name…

  4. Lame. Didn’t have enough food options, didn’t explain too much about why we’re shooting for this goal. The final descriptions were too wordy for most children.

    I just have to say, you can select ‘Milk Chug’ as one of the milk options — was that not a brand? Did I just see a brand make it’s way into a government ran project… again:)?

  5. Tallwookie says:

    “Daddy, my hotdogs wont make the rocket go, bwwaaaaaaaa…..”

  6. gb says:

    Milk is bullshit. There is nothing in it that doesn’t come easily from other sources. Some studies even point to it being bad for humans. Most people in Africa and China don’t even drink the stuff and they’re fine. Plus, the production of milk is horrible for the environment. Fuck the dairy boards and stay here on Earth.


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