In the tradition of the meat hat comes edible technology.

iPod Replaced With Meat

HAWAII, Dec. 29, 2005: Rachel Cambra couldn’t wait to see the look on her 14-year-old son’s face when he opened a very special present on Christmas morning.

The Mililani, Hawaii, woman had saved up to surprise her son with what he wanted most for the holiday, a new Apple iPod with video.

Surprised he was, and so was Cambra. When her son opened the box for the high-tech toy, he discovered the iPod that should have been there wasn’t. It had apparently been replaced with some kind of mystery meat.

The New Apple iMeat?

I know what happened. Somehow, an entry in the iPod-A-Month Creativity Competition got back into the original package and onto WalMart’s shelf.

Entries must be made entirely out of food and then photographed. The term “food” may be used loosely, but it must have some legitimate nutritional value and not cause death or other debilitating injury when ingested.

If this isn’t a hoax, I sense a free ipod at the least.

  1. frank kramer says:

    Definately a hoax, if I can give my opinion about it.


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