“Where have all the bloody teaspoons gone?” is an age old question in the workplace. In this week’s British Medical Journal, researchers at the Burnet Institute in Australia attempt to measure the phenomenon of teaspoon loss and its effect on office life.

Researchers Investigate the Case of the Disappearing Teaspoons

Next, The Case of the Couch Burrowing Remotes?

  1. Improbus says:

    This is interesting since I seem to have an over abundance off teaspoons.

  2. Dvorak reader says:

    Check the local thrift store. St. Vincent DePaul is a safe bet for finding one for under a buck. http://www.svdpusa.org/Stores/tabid/62/Default.aspx

  3. Pat says:

    I’m very surprised that they are wasting their time. I thought everyone knew that teaspoons morphed into wire clothes hangers.


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