Environmentalists in Scotland are asking Santa to stop destroying our planet.

Reindeer drawn sleds have been slammed as environmentally unfriendly, because the carrot-munching animals produce the greenhouse gas methane in their wind.

Now Santa has been urged to ditch his sleigh team and start travelling on public transport to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.

It has been calculated that Santa’s team of nine reindeer would emit methane with a global warming impact equivalent to more than 40,600 tonnes of greenhouse gases on the 122 million mile Christmas Eve dash to deliver presents around the world.

That would make his marathon sleigh ride almost as environmentally damaging as an aircraft, which would produce approximately 41,500 tonnes of on the Christmas Eve trip.

When will this red menace stop his reign of terror?!

  1. JulieB says:

    Hmm, but isn’t this only a problem if there are lots and lots of Santas? One airplane isn’t a problem, the skies choked with airplanes and their exhaust is a problem. So ixnay on antasay attackney….

  2. Two comments:

    – “Scotlanders”? Whi’s a’at?
    – This idea was put forward by one politician with an axe to grind. He doesn’t represent the views of his party, never mind Scots in general.
    Besides, why wouldn’t a magic reindeer be able to catch the methane and use it for something eco-friendly, like powering Santa’s toy factory, or Rudolf’s nose? Humbug, Mr, Brake.

  3. Pat says:

    Santa’s reindeer produce excrement as residue from the carrots. Also known as dung or deer droppings, it may be used as fertilizer in gardens. Plants use CO2, the major greenhouse gas, as a food source.

    The methane is produced by the excrement fermenting. If this is controlled, the methane may then be recycled as fuel for heating and cooking.


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