Osama Bin Laden’s Niece, Wafah Dufour, is trying to kick start a modeling/music career in the US by appearing scantly clad in GQ magazine.

Ms. Dufour, who’s vague about her age but almost certainly younger than 30, sits down at a good corner table and thanks me for helping her tell her story. “It’s really important for me,” she says with a French accent. “I was born in the States, and I want people to know I’m American, and I want people here to understand that I’m like anyone in New York. For me, it’s home.

God, can you imagine being her publicist?! She’s turning her back on the Muslim community, so she doesn’t have an audience there. And middle America would hate her. She’d have a better chance in in Asia or Europe, if anywhere.

She continued the interview with some wishful thinking…

“At the end of the day, I believe that the American people understand things and they have compassion and they see what’s fair,” she says. “They’re very fair, and that’s why I love America, and that’s why my mom loves America.”

Hmmmm… compassionate, understanding, and fair?! If those are true then exactly how did we get our current President?

Update – March 10, 2006
: According to CNN, she’s getting her own reality show!!!

  1. Dvorak reader says:

    Dufour is a law graduate. If the music gig falls apart, she could always practice law.

  2. Steve Newlin says:

    I’d guess that her family is wealthy beyond our wildest dreams. She’ll never have to work a day in her life.

  3. Dvorak reader says:

    I guess if you are rich you can’t resist fame, but I really wouldn’t know.
    I’m just an average survivor here in rust belt USA. She should be a hit with the MTV ipod crowd. Maybe she’ll start writing childrens books like the other rich child experts.

  4. Gregory says:

    To be fair: she’s not exactly rich. Ok, she’s not poor, but still.

    Her mother is estranged from her very rich dad who she hasn’t seen for like.. nearly 20 years. She can’t get a divorce because he won’t let her.

    I think the last two comments illustrate exactly the kind of snap judgement she’s going ot have to fight against. I sympathise for her and wish her the best. If her music is decent then maybe, just maybe, she might be able to carve a name for herself…

  5. JB Cole says:

    Maybe she’ll tell “Uncle Sama” that I have his Christmas present right here.

  6. Incognito says:

    Another great talent for women to be proud of.

    When you have a famous relative like a bin Laden or a Gatti, and you’re female, just take your clothes off.

    Another victory for society.

  7. arif says:

    Accepted she doesnt want to be related to Osama bin ladin but what the fuck does she want to show when she appears in that scantily clad appearences? and she doesnt have a fucking right to criticize the values of her religion, if she doesnt want to follow she shoudn’t but she had no fucking right to humiliate her religion. As if by posing in those slutty pictures would let her have people’s sympathies

  8. Steve Newlin says:

    arif, good response. I hadn’t thought of it that way. It’s one thing to be “critical” of a religion, from a detached point of vew, but you’re right that people’s religious beliefs should never be humiliated.

  9. Dvorak reader says:

    I wasn’t making any snap judgements. I wasn’t even trying.
    I was just pointing out that with the MTV culture, relatives of famous thugs and gangstas seem to do really well. Maybe she’ll get a TV deal and there will be a Growing Up Bin Laden series on the boob tube with 99 cent downloads from Apple. She’s got get her bling bling. I’m not a bling bling kind of person, but the country is very materialistic. Look at Christmas for example. Where have all the swingers gone? She could turn out to be the Islamic Madonna with hits like Osama Don’t Preach. Maybe there will be a Austin Powers movie called The Terrorist Who Shagged Me based on a Militant Wing of the Salvation Army. I don’t know. There are only two things Nigel Powers can’t stand in this world, people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.

  10. GregAllen says:

    So that’s what they look like under the Hijab! Not bad!

    Seriously, I worry for this woman. Considering bin Laden’s likely support of “honor killings,” she needs to watch out for herself.

  11. Steve Newlin says:

    “To be fair: she’s not exactly rich. Ok, she’s not poor, but still.”

    No, she’s wealthy. I define wealthy as someone who is able to live in luxury WITHOUT having to work. It’s quite obvious that despite being in her late 20s she holds no real job and lives quite well doing it.

    Does she have as much money as her dad?! No way. But I bet she spent more on shoes last year than I’ve earned in the same period.

  12. news flash: bush bombs canary islands to prevent bird flu says:

    not saying osamas my number 1 man, but there is nothing likeable about a turncoat no matter where ur beliefs fall, plus i heard her interviews she is an idiot, if she makes it in the music or modeling industry (other than 1 off we got bin ladens nieces panties off novelty pictures) i will give up my right to live, stupid little rat she looks more like master splinter’s niece (if u used to watch ninja turtles u’ll get that, if not rat face bitch will do)

  13. majdi sabir says:

    she is really hot but i cant say she is muslim girl and related to a muslim man but irrespect of all this i like this girl i wish she is my girlfried i would like ti marry her anyway plz tell her i love her and we will have too much children little majdis . i will turn my sons into playboys who play with play boy girls.


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