Joe Sixpack | It’s all kosher with this delightful brew

In the beginning, Schmaltz Brewing’s Jeremy Cowan had a schticky idea for a beer:He’Brew, the chosen beer.

It was, he acknowledges today, a bit of inside joke – a kosher beer made for Jews, who aren’t generally regarded as the world’s biggest beer-drinkers.

Cowan’s first creation was Genesis Ale, an amber ale.

Genesis was followed by a brown ale called Messiah Bold, “the beer you’ve been waiting for.”

Both were decent beers. Drinkable, but hardly biblical in proportion. To me, the flavor just didn’t live up to the cute hype. (“Don’t pass out, Passover!”)

Then came Jewbelation 5766.

Travel with me now to the place where the chutzpah runs deep and the hops are a skip and a jump away…
Shmaltz Brewing Company

  1. GregAllen says:

    Any plans for a Halal beer? (just kidding!)


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