I’m still trying to picture this.

We’re supposed to believe that one can simply swallow one’s cell phone by accident? Did she take a moment in the heat of argument to take a breath, and the cell phone flew in there then? Did she have her cell phone in one hand and a candy bar in the other, and forget which was which? You tell me what you think happened.

BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. — A Blue Springs woman was hospitalized when a cell phone got stuck in her throat, police said.

Officers were called to the 3000 block of Southwest Highway 40 at about 5 a.m. Friday. They found the 24-year-old woman having trouble breathing.

Investigators said that the woman was arguing with her boyfriend and when he asked for the phone, somehow she ended up with a cell phone lodged in her throat.

  1. Movi says:

    I seem to recall there was a firefox 1.0 ad with a guy chewing off a Nokia phone. Also, i swallowed a bullet-end of a guitar string once. It’s not that uncommon to swallow weird things.. 😉

  2. Steve Newlin says:

    Hmmm… she was arguing with her boyfriend when it “somehow” found its way down her throat. Mmm… that’s a toughy. I give up. Anyone else have any ideas?!

  3. James Hill says:

    Proof those damn things are getting too small.

  4. Old Dug says:

    Are you really trying to tell me there are people who use the internet that can’t picture a woman (or man) swallowing something the size of a cell phone?

  5. mikecannali says:

    And what would she do with one that vibrated?
    She sure wouldn’t need the boyfriend.

  6. Steve Newlin says:

    Old Dug, I can imagine it happening. But I can also imagine going back in time and hunting dinosaurs. So that’s not very helpful. The issue isn’t imagining it happening. The issue is coming up with a reasonable scenario that does not involve the boyfriend ramming it down her throat.

  7. ranron says:

    The boyfriends tell her to give him the phone back (guess he pays the bill?). Then the woman decides that placing it in her mouth would discourage the boyfriend from wanting to back. So she forces it in and it lounges into her throat.

  8. Steve Newlin says:

    ranron, good one. But my guess is that they were out on a date and she kept yapping on her cell phone. He got pissed, grabbed it out of her hands, and rammed it down her throat.

  9. Pat says:

    I guess she found it hard to dial once it was in her throat.

    Pul T.

    For once I agree, Bush had to have had something to do with it. They must have been fighting over which Medicare Drug plan to sign up with.

  10. Martha says:

    I’ll have all of you sick twisted idiots know that the woman happens to be a relative of mine. And guess what, it seems that no one has the intelligence to consider that this might have been an assault. That’s right this member of our very United States Marine Corp first kidnapped her and threw her in his car and then proceeded after an argument to BRUTALLY FORCE it so far into her trachea that she had emergency surgery to have it retrieved. She has been receiving care in the Intensive Care Unit since that time, that’s including all of the Christmas weekend. All the while, this savage beast spent Christmas with his family. Why???? Because it was his word against hers and I guess you can’t give a statement when you are on a ventilator and have a chest tube.

  11. KB says:

    This post openly *questioned* what happened: “We’re supposed to believe that one can simply swallow one’s cell phone by accident?” One commenter (#5) even implied I was an idiot for asking the question.

    But now the police are asking questions:

    Meanwhile, the mainstream press simply reported her as having swallowed the phone without asking any questions.

    Blogs do have a place.

    From the above link:
    “Police initially said that the 24-year-old Blue Springs woman had swallowed the cell phone after an argument with a man early Friday morning in a strip-mall parking lot. But Blue Springs Police Sgt. Allen Kintz said Sunday the incident was being investigated as an assault. He said authorities had identified a suspect.
    ‘It appears she didn’t voluntarily swallow this phone,’ Kintz said. ‘It’s not quite the way it was first portrayed.'”

    Having said all this, it is not my place to determine what happened, only to report questionable reporting when I see it– which I did.

  12. RonD says:

    Martha, I believe the KB indicates it was an assault when he states: “We’re supposed to believe that one can simply swallow one’s cell phone by accident?”

    As does Steve Newlin’s comment #9:
    “But my guess is …. He got pissed, grabbed it out of her hands, and rammed it down her throat.”

    They don’t seem like “sick twisted idiots” to me.

  13. Chris says:

    You must either have to be retarded or somebody must really dislike you to be able to swallow a cell phone, even the smaller ones. My guess is that this was not an accident, however I have heard of similar sized or larger items being swallowed.

  14. susan says:

    I am sorry you had to hear all of these crazy ass people’s opinions about things. Some people dont have anything better in life to talk about. I know the true story and it sucks that you have to hear all of these sick stories about something tragic that happened to a family member. I wish your family the best.

  15. Chris says:

    I was fortunate to meet Marlon while he was incarcerated and I believe him to be inocent


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