An inspiring, yet cautionary, tale (tail?) for all you boys out there this wintery holiday season. Don’t lick your balls and then lay on railroad tracks. You might not have caring construction workers to help you like this one lucky pooch!

Dog Stuck to Railroad Tracks Is Rescued

CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis. – Ten minutes later and the Siberian husky frozen to some railroad tracks in western Wisconsin would have met an unfortunate fate. But luckily Jeremy Majorowicz, a Twin Cities construction worker, intervened.

“I have two dogs myself, so I didn’t want to leave the dog if there was something wrong,” Majorowicz said, so he called the police.

“I lifted his tail and hind quarters, and saw he was literally frozen to the tracks,” Strand said. “He was pretty hunkered down.”

  1. jasontheodd says:

    You know why dogs lick their balls? Because they can.

  2. Dale Huber says:

    If I could do that I’d never leave the house (an old George Carlin line). So how would I get stuck to the tracks?


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