It’s a Christmas miracle…

Josie Caven, who was born deaf, will be able to hear Christmas carols for the first time after having cochlear implants in both ears.

Josie, 12, was previously able to distinguish only a few sounds through hearing aids which she has worn from the age of two.

She beamed with delight as she listened to Jingle Bells on the radio for the first time.

“It is so nice to hear music, especially Christmas carols,” she said.

  1. UnlivedPhalanx says:

    That’s pretty amazing, I can’t imagine hearing music for the first time after living in a vacuum like that…

    A symbol of hope for the end of 2005.

  2. Steve Newlin says:

    Actually, deaf people can “hear” music. My in-laws are deaf so I’ve learned quite a bit about the Deaf community.

    Deaf people “hear” the vibrations of music by turning up the music very loud and placing the speakers face down on the floor. That set-up is quite common at Deaf parties. I was SHOCKED to see a DJ at the first such party I attended. Obviously a lot of the music is lost, but they quite enjoy it.

    My wife’s ex-roommate, who was completely deaf, used to love going to rock concerts, e.g., AC/DC, Metallica, etc.

  3. I am glad to hear about that. I was deaf for the first 3 years of my life, not as bad as her (ouch 12 years). But I know of some of the problems she will have in the future.


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