Clipped from the AJC, 12/20/05
I can’t help it. When I see a headline like this, I think that some prominent politician has finally had the courage to call Bush an idiot. In public, that is.
Clipped from the AJC, 12/20/05
I can’t help it. When I see a headline like this, I think that some prominent politician has finally had the courage to call Bush an idiot. In public, that is.
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1st post!!! its about time someone said it
What? Someone wants to impeach a president without a blowjob involved?
Just remember, if Bush goes, we get Chaney. Unless he gets his, too.
I can’t stand politicians in general. But I have developed a special dislike for those who assume an elite minority (the super-rich) need more assistance than the poor and down-trodden. Lets try to elect someone who uses morality instead of talking about it. Political party is irrelevant to me, I just want a human being in office.
If you are looking to elect a human being and you elect John Lewis, you have made a grevious error. His rhetoric is from 40 years ago.
The “I-word”? Wasn’t that “investigation”?
Nevermind, it wasn’t Bush they were talking about….. 😉
Last time you had a human being in office who didn’t cater to the rich, he got assassinated! And nobody will ever know who did it…
“I” as in “Imbilcile”?
Illiterate comes to mind…seriously though this Congress hasn’t shown any oversight of this administration. What makes you think they would have the courage to draw up articles of impeachment? Maybe if there was a change in control of Congress in the mid-term elections….lol
Who are you talking about, Chester Arthur? How did others cater to the rich, like Reagan, Carter, Nixon? Or how about Truman, Eisenhower, FDR?
C’mon liberals… This is the best you can do? Call names?
The next 20 years are going to be interesting. The death of the Democratic party will only be the beginning.
Didn’t Al Gore run commercials calling Bush an idiot in 2000? He definitely used the word bumbler.