Airlines are using uncertified workers for critical maintenance work, which operate without enough oversight of either the carriers or the Federal Aviation Administration, according to an agency investigation.

Air carriers have used non-certificated facilities for years, said the report by the FAA’s Inspector General, but mostly for minor maintenance tasks. The report said that has changed in recent years, as it identified 21 facilities that performed maintenance critical to the airworthiness of the aircraft.

“Some of the critical repairs we identified that non-certificated repair facilities perform include engine replacements and adjustments to flight control systems,” the report said.

The report said the use of a non-certified facility has already been cited as a key factor in one fatal crash — the January 2003 Air Midwest crash in Charlotte, North Carolina. “The mechanics incorrectly adjusted a flight control system that ultimately was determined to be a contributing cause of the crash,” said the report. All 21 people on that flight were killed in the crash.

So, after you get past the TSA crap, you’re riding on a plane that had it’s engines tuned by Billy Bob. Well, at least it’s non-union; so, look at the money you save.

  1. RTaylor says:

    This industry is screwed up. Over 400 seats on a 747, mostly economy, and 200 different prices for those fares. Airlines have been skirting strict FAA maintenance regs for decades, including foreign overhaul facilities and black market parts. There’s a thriving market in boot leg aircraft parts.

  2. Dvorak reader says:

    We have a bunch of blue ice reports in my area. Blue ice is toilet waste from aircraft. This blue ice is actually purple and one guy on the news said he found some toilet paper in it. The reporter was questioning if it was bird droppings and the stuff was purple from berry eating birds. The stuff, whatever it is, is real visible because there is snow on the ground. Maybe they fired all of the people who maintained the toilets. It seems to be a big mystery so far. If you live in an area with no snow you might be getting this crap poured on your house and never see it. The airlines are getting crappy. One official told a woman to call her insurance company. Her deck was covered with the stuff and she wasn’t alone. The airlines do what they want and lose a ton of money doing it. The industry is very screwed up and spreading filth and waste.

  3. Dale Huber says:

    Actually the engines are not tuned by Billy Bob. The common practice, especially out of the Southeast is to fly the planes down to shops in South America to be maintained.


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